This Feels Better

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Becky did not know whether she needed to be happy or not, seeing Freen still behaved normally, as if the kiss never happened. The latter casually drove while singing the song played on the radio. Her feelings were like the two-side of a coin. On one side she was disappointed that Freen didn't seem to think about the kiss, let alone talk about it. On another side, she was relieved that Freen still acted normal to her, the latter didn't seem to be awkward or made any distance with her.

She also could not understand herself for asking to have sleepover in Freen's place after she shamelessly kiss a person who sisterzoned her. She tried to reason with herself, she might only felt bad for doing such thing to Freen earlier and she wanted to make up by having sleepover in Freen's place. She furrowed her eyebrows and let out a sigh, knowing how ridiculous her reasoning was. Maybe, she wanted to talk it out with Freen to clear the misunderstanding caused by the kiss. She shook her head as she found it also unreasonable. Freen behaved normally, she did not seem like having any misunderstanding.

"Seems like you have a lot in your mind?" Freen stole a glance at Becky before putting her gaze back to the road in front of them. "Care to share?" Her voice sounded really sincere and made Becky felt even more guilty.

"I am fine, Phi Freen."

"But you look like the otherwise." Freen continued her concern. She took one hand off of the steering wheel, and silently took Becky's hand before holding it gingerly. Freen stroke Becky's hand with her thumb before intertwining their fingers together. "You know you can tell anything to your sister, right?"

Becky loved the simple gesture. She loved the warmth of Freen's hand in hers. She loved how their fingers intertwined. She loved how sincere Freen voiced out her concern. But she disliked the words that came out from Freen's mouth. For a while there she wanted to shut Freen up. The more she heard the word sister, the more she wished to turn back the time and confessed after she kissed Freen. But she could not turn back time, and she was afraid her confession would part them apart.

"I will tell you when I am ready, Phi Freen." She forced a smile on her face and squeezed Freen's hand gently, trying to ensure the older girl.

"Ok na ka. Just tell me when you're ready." Freen squeezed back Becky's hand, and didn't let go of it. Her thumb grazed Becky's thumb every once in a while as if she tried to console the untold thoughts Becky had at the moment.

All those small acts made Becky's heart clenched. If Freen didn't repeatedly mention that they were sisters, she would already be at the highest sky, knowing that the person she liked a lot did this to console her. She then took her phone with her free hand and opened her instagram. She scroll through the home screen, trying to find something interesting until she found one post tagged by her fan. A post of her kissing scene with Freen for the pilot of this web series. She smiled when she read the caption:

"I hardly tell whether it's MonSam or FreenBeck."

She always loved it every time the fans shipped her with Freen because she shipped them as well. She then turned to Freen who still held her hand, didn't seem to let go at all. She silently admired the older girl who seemed to have her focus on the road. So, she looked at the busy street of Bangkok, noticing the traffic was as bad as usual.

"Aren't you tired, Phi Freen?"

Freen stole another glance at Becky and smiled. "Usually it's tiring. But not today because you're here with me." She answered playfully before grinning wide like a kid.

"Meh, lame pick up line." Becky playfully stuck out her tongue and pretended to cringe at Freen's answer.

"That's not a pick up line though." Freen chuckled before putting her gaze back to road in front of her.

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