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"I like you, Becbec..."

Becky blinked her eyes repeatedly once her ears captured Freen's soft voice. She asked herself whether she heard it right? She even doubted her own hearing now. She opened her mouth to asked what Freen meant, but she immediately shut it out, afraid that she just misheard everything.

She then could heard Freen's dry laugh so she turned her face to see the person next to her.

"I feel like a fool." Freen said in between her dry laugh.

"What do you mean?" Becky furrowed her eyebrows, failed to understand what the latter had said.

"You are not giving any response when I confess." Freen frowned at her sentence. "That makes me feel like an idiot."

"Did you just confess to me?"

Freen nodded with a bitter smile on her face. "You didn't hear?"

"I thought I heard it wrong..." mumbled Becky as she looked down, silently cursed herself for not giving any response when she heard Freen's confession. And now, she didn't know what to response because the moment had passed.

"What did you hear?" asked Freen. She pulled their hand and put it on her lap.

"You said you like me." Becky still mumbled, did not dare to raise her head to face the latter.

"Hmmm..." Freen exhaled after hearing Becky's answer. "You didn't hear it wrong."

Becky finally lifted her head, looking at Freen who stared at her with her soft gaze.

"I like you, Becbec. Not as a sister. Not as Khun Sam who likes Mon. This is Phi Freen who likes Becky." Freen continued spilling her feelings while gently squeezing Becky's hand.

Becky smiled upon hearing Freen's confession. To hear Freen explained her feelings not as a sister, nor as Khun Sam and Mon, made she felt less unsure. Nevertheless, she still had a tiny hesitation, so she cleared her throat and opened her mouth to asked one last final question. "So, what kind of feeling you have towards me?"

"Eh?" Freen tilted her head before scratched her own nape with her one hand. "That kind of feelings when a woman likes another woman." She grinned as she heard her answer. "That sounds weird though."

Becky laughed at Freen's answer, making the other girl laughed along. "So, you're gay?"

"Oiii! Don't put it that way!" Freen's hand which previously her nape moved forward and turned into a fist, pretending to punch Becky, making Becky laughed harder.

"I like you too, Phi Freen." Becky replied undoubtedly, eyes stared deeply into Freen's.

Freen stunned upon hearing Becky's confession. She blinked her eyes repeatedly. The same exact response Becky had when Freen confessed.

"Now, I feel like a fool." Becky mimicked Freen's previous statement and laughed softly while watching the sight before her eyes.

"I..." Freen bit her lips, eyes fixed to their intertwining hands. She seemed confused about what she wanted to say.

Becky smiled, watching Freen who seemed confused. She was sure now that her feelings was not one-sided. Freen really liked her, just like she liked Freen. At the end of the day, this ship might be able to sail.

"Phi Freen..." Becky called out Freen's name softly making Freen lifted her head and grinned, maybe she hadn't decided yet what she wanted to do. "Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

And Freen froze in her place. Her eyes turned wide, and her jaw hung opened. There was no word to answer Becky's question.

Becky let out a nervous laugh upon getting the response. Her heart ached a bit when only silence answering her. That made the doubt started to slip into her heart again. Maybe Phi Freen doesn't want the same thing as me.

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