Chapter 2

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I sat on the curb outside my house shocked. There were police  cars everywhere. I was getting questioned by the cops. Just asking stuff like how long I had been living with him, last time I saw him. I told them the truth. He moved in when I was 2, so that meant he's been living with us for 13 years.

I mean, it's not like I was sad. I really wasn't. I mean, he was nice at first, I guess. Before mom died. But since that day, he's just been an asshole. But I wasn't really thinking about all that. I was thinking about something else.

Who would kill me, and why?


I was walking back to Jake's house. The cops had forgotten about me basically. They were more focused on the body. It was completely deformed, I heard a few saying before I left. I don't think their gonna notice my absence. Nobody notices if I had gone or if I'm still there. I was invisible without being invisible. 

I walked back through the alley. This time, there was something else. A smell. It was slight, but you could still smell it. I covered my nose out of instinct. I look for where the smell was coming from, but didn't see anything out of place. Probably some drunk guy decided to shit behind a box. I just kept on walking, ignoring it. 

I exited the alley. I turned to my right and heard someone scream. And then more people screamed. I didn't know what was going on. I saw people staring at me while running. No. Staring to my left. I turned, and almost threw up. There was a dead body, with a clean, round hole above his left ear with blood slowing pouring out. 

It took me a second to realize this was Mr. Robert, the owner of the convenience store. I started running the opposite direction when I felt a sharp pain in my right leg. I yelled as I fell to the floor. I hit the ground, face first. 





I looked down to my leg. I had been shot, right in the center of my foot. Didn't feel much pain though. Probably just the adrenaline of the moment. I felt myself blacking out. I look up the rooftops. It took me a second to process what I was seeing and make sure it wasn't just my imagination. A guy, standing on top of an office building, holding some sort of gun. Couldn't tell what type from here. He was masked, with a trench coat, aiming directly at me. That's when I blacked out. 


I woke up with Jake and his grandparents sitting around me. They didn't notice at first though, busy talking to each other. There was still a ringing in my ears, so I couldn't make out what they were saying.

When I could, I sat up, slowly. My foot was all wrapped up. "Look, Han is up!" Allen said. They all turned to me, saying nothing. 

I was the first to break the silence. "Who shot me."

Bella frowned. Nobody said anything. That told me what I needed to know. They had no clue who shot me. I lay back down, looking at the ceiling. Who shot me? Could it have been the same person who killed Ken? No, has to be a coincidence. Did seem like he was focused on me, though. I had barely walked out the alley when that guy shot the person right next to me. Might've been aiming for me but missed. Maybe he got interrupted.

I realized Jake was saying my name. "Ya?" I said, trying to forget about the guy.  

He looked at me. "Did you see where the guy went off too after he ran?" He said, with a completely different tone than normal. Normally, he's loud. Trying to make a joke about everything. This time he was dead serious. Nothing about him looked like he was planning on making a joke anytime soon.

I shook my head. "I blacked out before anything really happened. Last thing I saw was him aiming at me. To be honest, I don't know why he didn't just kill me then and there."

Bella got up. "Do you want water or something? I can go ask the nurse for something."

I smiled. She was always so nice to me. Well, to everyone basically. She was just one of those people who could be nice without even trying. It was an act, either. When someone tries to be nice to you, most of the time it's a lie, like you're watching a play. Whenever she talked, you could tell she meant it from the bottom of her heart.

"Yes please," I responded putting on a smile. She got up and walked out of the room. I talked to Jake and Allen some more until the nurse walked in, put the glass the table next to my bed, and told them that I needed to get some rest.


I was 5 again, playing on the playground. The kids were all climbing the monkey bars, all falling down on the first few. I was standing next to some kid named Jake. "Han, it's time to go!" I heard my mom calling. I ran  over to her as fast as I could.

"Just 5 more minutes mom, please? It's almost my turn to go on the monkey bars!" I said, catching my breath from running. 

Mom checked her watch and looked at me. "Just five more minutes, ok?" She said.

"Thank you, mommy" I said, hugging her before running back to the playground.


I woke up. Not that dream. Not right now. No one was around, so I decided to try to stand up. Bad idea. I crashed to the floor the second I let go of the bed, making a loud thump when I hit the floor. The nurses instantly came rushing into the room. "Are you ok, sir?" 

I gritted my teeth in pain, and said nothing. Did it look like I was ok? They helped me back onto the bed. They told me that Jake and his grandparents had left the hospital, but I had another visitor that came in while I was asleep.

"Wait, who visited me?" I asked in confusion. I didn't really know anyone besides Jake and his grandparents. The only person I could possibly think of visiting me was Jess, some girl from school I was starting to like. We talked a few times.

"A man. He said his name was Jonathon, he was your uncle," The nurse said, looking at her clipboard. 

I sat there in shock. The nurse looked at the look on my face. "Uh...sir? Is something troubling you?" 

It took me a second to say something. "Ma'am. I don't have an uncle." 

And that was the truth. Mom was an only child, and there's no way in hell someone from dad's side of the family came to visit me. Ken cut off all contact with his family a while ago. 

The nurse looked at me funny. "Are you sure, sir?" She asked suspiciously.


She said she'd be right back and quickly left the room. I sat there in confusion, wondering who the hell would visit me. 

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