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The concept of Dreykov being alive needs to go out the window for a minute because someone is on the roof.

- Natasha : Y/n, get over here

- Yelena : Shh

- y/n : Nat-

And someone's blown the roof in. Good thing I still have a pistol in my pocket from when they were choking each other.

- y/n : Who is it?

- Natasha : Widows

So loads of people with the same fighting ability as Nat and Yelena. Great.

- y/n : Where are we trying to get?

- Yelena : Motorbike, East side of the building

- Natasha : There's three of us. How are we supposed to all fit on one bike?

- y/n : I'll kickstart someone else's

- Natasha : You've never ridden a bike

- y/n : Not that you know of

Natasha doesn't know absolutely everything about me because somethings aren't that interesting.

- y/n : Nat I'm going to slide off the roof

- Natasha : I got you. Keep running

- y/n : I'm trying. Fuck I should've taken Steve up on those offers to go on a run

- Yelena : Hold on

- Natasha : I got you

- y/n : Fuck my lungs hurt

Never did I imagine that I'd be holding onto a pipe that's swinging through the air to get away from assassins.

- y/n : Where's Nat?

- Yelena : Out there

- y/n : She's fallen from up here to there? We need to-

- Yelena : Follow me

Yelena thinks quickly when she's put on the spot. More then what can be said for me. The widows chasing us is just more evidence that Dreykov is alive.

- Yelena : Do you believe me now?

- Natasha : How many others?

- Yelena : Enough

- y/n : We can't leave her here

- Natasha : Let's go Y/n

- y/n : Nat, stop. She's still a person

- Natasha : I don't care. She tried to kill us, keep moving

- y/n : And? I don't care, we can't leave a body here

- Natasha : Either you can come with us or stay here. I really don't care anymore Y/n

Nat was on edge anyway but I guess I've really pissed her off. It's fine. I think I was in the right, I wouldn't have left her there but I know Nat was about to abandon me.

- Natasha : Which one's yours?

- Yelena : Black. Brown seat. Where are my keys?

- Natasha : Start that bike Y/n

- y/n : What the fuck does it look like I'm doing Natasha?

- Natasha : Don't take that tone with me

- y/n : Or what? You'll leave my body in a random place when I get killed?

Fuck this shit. Nat and Yelena can follow me, I have a pretty good sense of direction and I revised the map on the train here.

- Natasha : Any day now

We're being followed by god knows how many Widows on motorcycles and some big armoured car. We're fucked if they catch up.

- Natasha : You can't just steal a guys car

- Yelena : You want me to chase him down and un-steal it?

- y/n : And now she's worried about morals. We left a dead girl back there Nat and you think stealing a car is wrong?

- Yelena : Okay. Any time now, please

- Natasha : Shut up

I'm going to hold onto the fact that Nat's moral compass is spinning right now. It's fine to leave someone in a public space once they're died but it's not fine to steal a car to evade death?

- Yelena : Okay, you got a plan or should I just stay duck and cover?

- Natasha : My plan was to drive us away

- Yelena : That's a shit plan

And I'm going to get whiplash, well I would get whiplash if I could put a seatbelt on around all the right corners and spinning.

- y/n : Can you slow down with the hard turns so i can get a seatbelt on? Surprisingly, I don't want to die in a car accident

- Natasha : I can't concentrate with all the talking Y/n

- y/n : Well that must suck for you Nat because we can either talk here or talk later

- Natasha : There's nothing to talk about so put your seatbelt on

- Yelena : Shit. He's back

- Natasha : Put your seatbelt on

- Yelena : You're such a Mom

Good thing I had my seatbelt on. I didn't fancy being launched out of the car while it blows up and crashes into the subway. Downside, my left arm is burnt.

- Yelena : Natasha, no. I think I'm bleeding. I-

- Natasha : No. Not now, trust me

- Yelena : Take my hand

- y/n : I can't, my arm

- Yelena : This is going hurt

Let me just say a big thank you to Nat for helping me out the car, oh wait, that was Yelena. I mean she was brutal about getting me out of the car, she just grabbed onto the burns on my arm and yanked but it helped me more then anything Nat did.

- Natasha : You okay?

- Yelena : Yeah. Great plan. I love the part where I almost bled to death and where you friend was almost barbecued

- Natasha : What? You're hurt?

- y/n : Leave me alone right now

- Natasha : Y/n-

- y/n : Do not talk to me. I'm fucking pissed at you

Pissed doesn't even begin to explain how I feel right now. I'm in agony, my arm is burning and Nat has only now decided she cares.

- Yelena : This is cozy

- Natasha : Barton and I spent two days hiding out up here

- Yelena : That must've been fun

- Natasha : Who the hell is that guy?

- Yelena : Dreykov's special project. He can mimic anyone he's ever seen. It's like fighting a mirror. Dreykov only deploys him for top-priority missions

- Natasha : This doesn't make any sense

- Yelena : Well the truth rarely makes sense when you omit key details

- Natasha : What is that supposed to mean?

Here we go again. To be honest I'm sick of hearing them bicker and argue like children.

Authors Note
Have a drink and
a snack please

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