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Valka and the other dragon riders look at the youngling with excitement. "Awh! She looks like a little miniature version of Toothless!" Fishlegs shrieked as he leaned in to get a closer look at the little one. 

"She sure does.." Hiccup smiled softly as he scratches the little one's chin, Toothless didn't sit well that he noticed the distressed look on the hatchling's face, he wanted to signal Hiccup with a low purr that she wasn't content with what he was doing but.. Hiccup was too naive to know.

"Shh.. It'll be fine, we just need to introduce her and we'll leave you two alone to bond." Hiccup reassured his dragon who rolled his eyes with disapproval of Hiccup's actions. 

A few more hours passed, Toothless let out a low growl which took Hiccup taken aback, this was the first time he had ever heard Toothless growled at him. Well.. not exactly but.. the first time Toothless growled at him even though he was tamed, it was rare for a tamed dragon to growl at their owners.

Hiccup then placed the little one back at Toothless' soft hay bed before standing up. "We should go, they need some time to bond." Hiccup said to his team who nodded but Fishlegs wanted to stay a bit more. "Yeah but.. we could check on the details of a much, much more younger of the Night-" But he was cut off by Snotlout. "Haha, Fishlegs. You heard the chief, we should go and the door's open for us to leave." The grumpy viking said to Fishlegs.

Fishlegs reluctantly followed behind as they all went back to the Great Hall. "Wait, while we stay here.. don't we want to like.. make up with a name for the hatchling?" Tuffnut suggests with Astrid approving the decision.

"I agree, now we know that the gender is a female.. we can come up with female names for her." She suggests to the team who nodded with approval.

"Well.. how about 'Sweetie'?" Hiccup suggested with a smile, but his suggestion was equal to multiple eyes on him. "Really? That name?" Tuffnut scoffed. "How about.. Zeng?" Tuffnut suggested with a smirk. "Really? That too? It's a she, Tuffnut. A she." Astrid glared at the twin who slouched in his chair with an embarrassed expression.

"Hmm.. How about 'Paste'?" Ruffnut suggested but was rejected by the others since it wasn't fitting. "How about.. Solar? It fits her body palete." Valka suggested and they all agreed. 

"Yeah, it does fit." Ruffnut gave a thumbs up.
"I also agree." Tuffnut says with a nod.

"Then it's settled, the hatchling will be named, 'Solar'."

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