Presenting Lorelai Gilmore

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Today I have to take the test that will determine my future

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Today I have to take the test that will determine my future. I need this to go well for me. But I can't do that if Jess is hiding upstairs. I went upstairs to go get him. I found him wearing a shirt that Luke wouldn't approve of.

I told him there was no way that I was going to let him walk downstairs in that shirt. He rolled his eyes at me and I pulled out a different shirt for him to wear. He quickly changed his shirt and I grabbed him and pulled him down stairs. Once we were at the bottom of the stairs I pushed him out of the curtain.

I walked to school with him to make sure that he actually went. I walked into the testing room and waited for the test to begin. They handed me the test and said good luck.

It took me almost all day but once I was done they told me that I passed with flying colors. I ran all they way to my mom's work and told her  that I passed the test.

Sookie threw a bowl of cheese into the air and hugged me. She pulled out a cake from the fridge and I looked at it. It was amazing. I didn't want to eat it.

Sookie told me there was a bowl of chocolate with my name on it on the counter. After a while I went back to the diner and Rory some how convinced me into doing something stupid with her. She told me that I was going to need an escort.

I walked upstairs and asked Jess if he would be my escort for this thing. He said he would as long as he got to take me on a date after words. I of course said yes.

We're in miss patty's learning how to dance for this thing. Rory kept stepping on dean's toes.

"Ouch. Why am I doing this again?"

"Battle bots!"

"For the rest of your life."

"She has to bribe you with that stupid show Dean?"

"What's your reason?"

"I get to take this one on a date after words."

Dean just rolled his eyes and went back to trying to dance with Rory. Since. Can't stand my dad I asked Luke if we would present me at this thing he said he would be more than happy too.

I couldn't help the smile that came across my face as Jess led me around the dance floor. Miss patty kept using me and Jess as an example on how to dance.

I think the key is having a partner. Jess decided to show off a bit. He twirled me around and then picked me up and spun in a circle.

"Okay, we get it you can dance no need to show off."

"Where's the fun in that?"

"Hey Jess?"


"Let's show them how it's done."

"Don't gotta tell me twice."

Miss patty decided to make Dean and Rory watch us. It was a cruel and unusual punishment. But nonetheless we still showed off for them.

"Jess, Gabby, that was beautiful why don't the two of you take a break. Rory you could learn a thing or two from your sister about dancing."

"Gabby, can I take you out for ice cream?"

"I don't see why not."

Jess put an arm around my shoulders and I put an arm around his waist. We walked like that to go get our ice cream. The people there thought we were a couple. That was when Jess turned to me and kissed me. I didn't hesitate to kiss him back.

I told Jess that I was going to see my mom at work. He said he would see me later. When I got there I walked behind the desk and Michelle gave me a hug.

"Michelle, if I wanted to make a murder look like a suicide how would I do it?"

"You push them off the roof of a building."

"Thanks that's all I needed."

"You're welcome. Wait! Lorelai! I'll be back I have to go do something!"

"Michelle. What do you need to do?"

"I just told your little angel how to make a murder look a suicide!"

"What did chuck presbey do now?"

"I don't know!"

I made it back to town and told chuck that I need to show him something on the roof of the school.

"Chuck? What did you do now?"

"He's been telling people that I slept with him."

"Angel do you care if I help push him off the roof?"

"Be my guest."

"You don't have the guts to kill someone slut."

"No but I asked the rest of the town if they would miss you if you went missing. And let me tell you not even mommy dearest would miss you. I even got the permission to kill you but they said I had to make it look like a suicide. Michelle would you like to do the honors?"


Chuck started to plead for his life and Michelle kicked him off the roof. I got off the roof and people started to clap.

"Well she actually did it this time."

"We don't have to worry about him anymore."

Jess came up to me and pulled me in for a kiss. Then there were cheers coming from around us.

"That guy was a jerk and will not be missed."

Soon enough it was time for me to leave for the ball. I got there early and got a lighted mirror. Grandma had a stylist do my hair and makeup. Once that was done I had help putting on my dress.

My grandma took a picture of of me out in the hall away from the other girls. She told me I looked beautiful in my dress. Once it was time I told Luke not to let me fall.

I nearly made it down the stairs when my foot caught my dress and I stumbled down them. Everyone stopped what they were doing and rushed to my side. Jess was the first one there he asked if I was okay. I told him no and that my leg and arm hurts.

Luke rushed me to the nearest hospital after my mom helped me get changed into something more comfortable. My mom handed the dress to my grandma and told her to keep it safe.

The doctor told me that I had broke my arm and leg. They wrapped me up in a cast and gave me a pair of crutches.

Luke signed the discharge papers and I was free to leave. They kept telling me to take it easy and I told them that I was fine. When we got back to the diner Luke told Jess to help me get upstairs. I do have to admit that being in Jess' arms was nice.

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