~ Something's wrong.

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No one's POV:
" Two days have passed by after the first chapter, and.. Something is definitely going on right now. Three objects from the hotel have been feeling awful and weird, as they can barely leave their rooms right now. Those objects are: Baseball, Trophy and Paintbrush. The three of them seen to be having the same "symptoms", which include dizziness, slightly difficulty of speaking and, specifically enough, not feeling in themselves at all. Mostly everyone is concerned and worried about what's going on with them, and to be honest? Nobody knows, at all. Only Test Tube has a faint, little idea of what can be possibly going on but.. She is unsure of it just yet. She need more clues to know so. But anyways, meanwhile we say this, some certain specific objects are checking on the ones who have been feeling weird. May we take a look at them, perhaps? "

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Cheesy's POV:
" Gosh, i dont even know how this happened to him! Trophy was just fine days ago, and now he's just- Completely weird for some reason! And i dont even know why! I would be making a joke but i dont feel like its the right time right now.. But well, im gonna visit Trophy at his room since- He cant leave at all-.. "

- I walk upstairs, leaving the living room and entering the dormitories section. I walk through the hall to find Trophy's room and, meanwhile i do so, i can slightly hear the voice of other objects coming from two different rooms, but i ignore it as i continue my way to Trophy's room. Soon enough, i finally manage to find it, as i open the door. I look at Trophy in concern, as i get next to him. -

~ " Hey.. Hey Trophy, you're there..? "
- I ask Trophy, who seems to be completely unfocused from reality. I snap my finger a bit to call his attention, and after i do so, Trophy blinks, as he looks at me in slight confusion.

~ " Wh-Wha.. Cheesy..? What the.. heck are you doing here..? "
- Trophy comes back to reality, as he questions me what am i doing here. He seem to have somewhat of a diffoculty to speak up everything without stopping a little. Oh Trophy, i can only wish you get better..

~ " Me? Oh, i've came to check and spend time with you! After all, you have a GOLDEN personality! "
- I try to keep the mood up as i make a little joke while speaking, slapping my knee after i do so, like i always do.

~ " Yeah yeah.. Sure.. Look you cheese.. twerp, you dont need to.. keep coming to check on me every day.. "
- Trophy roll his eyes a little, before he spoke up once again, in a sort of serious tone. He weakly crosses his arms, looking at me.

~ " Oh c'monn, i just wanna help! I wanna give you company, is all! "
- I stated back, looking up at Trophy while doing so. After that, i look away a bit.

~ " Tch.. You cant really.. help at all. But your company.. is accepted. I guess.. "
- Trophy scowled a bit, still crossing his arms weakily. He looks away a bit, before looking back at me, stating the last part of the sentence.

~ " Hehe, see?? I told you my company was the best of the companies! "
- I say with a smile, as i blink one of my eyes while making a finger gun with one of my hands.

~ " Yeah yeah.. Whatev-- ........ "
- Trophy was starting a sentece, before he abruptly stop his own words, staring at nothing, i guess. Something's wrong..

~ " .. Trophy?? Trophy??! "
- I worriedly begins to call out for his name, trying to see if i could bring him back from wherever he went in his mind. But i failed. Maybe i just gotta wait for him to do it himself..

~ Experiment Gone Wrong. // Inanimate Insanity AUWhere stories live. Discover now