~ More victims.

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No One's POV:
- " Baseball yelped. He was just trying to sort of escape from his room for a unknown reason, before someone aggressively stopped him by dashing onto him and literally JUMPING on him, now not letting him go by whatever. OJ and Bomb, who were at the kitchen, quickly go upstairs to check out what was going on, to be greeted by a rather.. Unusual sight. "

~ | | ~

- " We came soon as possible!! What is going on--..? "
- OJ ran to the upstairs, which is one of the rooms' hallways. Bomb was following behind, and when they get up there, a surprise was awating for them. OJ's expression and grip softens, as his eyes were stuck on that certain someone..



- Baseball was sat down at the floor, trying to get Paper off him, but failing miserably to do it.


~ " Paper! Hey, Paper! Snap out of it! "
- OJ runs at Paper and Baseball, as he quickly drags Paper away from Baseball, holding Paper so he wont try anything again. But Paper seemed to be.. Not trying to escape from OJ at all..?


~ " ...... "
- When OJ took Paper away from Baseball, Paper immediately stopped any kind of struggling, movement or anything. But then, all of a sudden..


Paper attacks OJ.

It all happened too suddently, Paper quickly started struggling again and somewhat of managed to hit OJ with his elbow, causing a small crack on one of OJ's eyes, which was where the attack was directed to. OJ ends up letting go of Paper, as he (OJ) places his hand onto his eye.
OJ could feel the crack on his glass perfectly, and as he pull off his hand to see, there's a bit of juice on his hands, of course.
Paper runs away, going inside his room, closing the door shut. The door makes a "click!", meaning they locked it.

~ " Oh gosh.. Baseball, are you alright? "
- OJ put his hand over his eye again, before questioning Baseball if he's all good.

~ " ... Yeah, im good. No need to worry, geez. "
- Baseball quickly and briefly answered OJ's question, before he get up from the groun and look away.

~ " Great.. Return to your room then. I dont know why you're even out, but that's fine. Just- Go back in your room, ok? I'll take care of this crack.. "
- Just like that, OJ left, possibly going to the enfermary of the hotel or his room itself. Both would work.

~ " Im- Agh, fine. Whatever. "
- Baseball was just anout to protestate to what OJ said, but he stays quiet when he watches OJ leaving. He then roll his eyes, before going back inside his now-shared room with Paintbrush.






~ " My eye, it hurts a lot.. Paper did a good strenght to hit it with his elbow, that's for sure. It was a pretty deep crack, luckily i didn't shatter at all, just cracked. I have to bandage it up before the crack ends up growing bigger. I go to my room quickly and swiftly, opening my closet to get some bandages. I take them, before i wrap them around my glass, over where my eye is at. After i do so, i see Bomb on the door of my room. I look at him slightly confusedly. "

~ Experiment Gone Wrong. // Inanimate Insanity AUWhere stories live. Discover now