17. Their Sweet Little Secret

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Follow me if you're already invested in this story because I'll keep writing similar stories in the future, and you might miss out

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"Now that you've rested enough, hurry up and let's get married. I don't have time to bicker with you for your protection," Dongfang Qingcang spoke with a firm voice.

Lina's heart raced, her palms sweating as she looked up at Qingcang. She had never imagined being in this situation, marrying someone she barely knew. Yet, a part of her was grateful for his kindness and protection. She gave him an awkward grin, her mind racing as she struggled to respond. "You know, if you agree not to sleep near me to keep me safe, we won't need to get married," she suggested.

Qingcang's eyes narrowed, his expression hardening as he replied firmly. "No, you need to stay in my sight and within reach," he declared, his voice ringing with authority.

Lina's awkward smile faltered, and her feelings of being flattered increased drastically. She thought, 'So much for privacy. Even so, this guy is helping me stay alive, and the least I could do is to make my protection easier for him.' She took a deep breath as there was no escape from Qingcang's watchful gaze. "Okay, I understand," she replied, her voice soft and resigned. After all, he was the only one who could protect her from the dangers ahead.

Qingcang relaxed a little at Lina's compliance. He took her hand in his, his touch sending shivers down her spine. "Let's go," he said, his voice low and commanding.

Lina's heart sank like a stone in water as the realization hit her - she had forgotten something essential. She immediately stopped Qingcang in his tracks and said, "Wait."

Qingcang felt his patience wearing thin, and his jaw clenched tight as he closed his eyes and asked through gritted teeth, "What?"

"I have to make the arrangements," Lina said, her voice barely above a whisper. "Since this temporary marriage is happening so suddenly, the most I can do is to keep it small, with only the four of us; you, me, and two witnesses."

Qingcang raised an eyebrow, looking confused, and asked, "A marriage with only four?"

Lina's heart raced, and she nervously wrung her hands, searching for the right words. "Yes... I want to keep this discreet," she finally managed to say. "We're going our separate ways anyway, and I'm quite well-known. I'd rather keep it low-key to avoid any unwanted drama." Qingcang looked at her blankly, his face giving nothing away. She sighed, feeling frustrated that he did not seem to understand the gravity of the situation. "Yichen got married on the day we met, and people have always wanted us to end up together," she continued, hoping to make him understand. "So—"

"Let me guess," Qingcang interrupted, his voice cold and cutting. "You still hope to return to Yichen, even after he allowed his wife to bully you."

Lina's eyes widened in shock, and she stared hard at Qingcang. "You!" she exclaimed, the hurt of betrayal evident in her voice.

The Moon Supreme, Dongfang QingcangWhere stories live. Discover now