37. Fortunate?

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It poured heavily that night.

Prithvi helplessly looked at the falling raindrops while he stood at the open balcony under the shelter.
Andaman is known to have heavy rains. Prithvi was prepared to face any challenges and was determined to handle the situation before it went out of hands.

But much to his relief, there were no complications during labor. A team of experienced doctors had the entire situation under control.

A news hit sometime ago that Diya gave birth to a boy child and both the baby and she was safe and fine.
Prithvi had a hard time watching the rain, until the baby was examined and cleaned before handed over to the parents, in this case, Prithvi.

He felt a soft circle of arms around his waist and a smile slithered on his lips. He pulled his wife in front of him and lost himself in her dainty embrace. He sighed deeply in content.

A shrill cry of the baby brought him to reality and he turned around to see the baby held by a nurse. He held his breath as he extended his arms and held the baby in safe confines. Rajbansi peeped at the baby with awe on her face and amazement in her eyes.

Prithvi looked at the tiny human wrapped in the bundle of warm blankets. The baby was asleep, but the tiny sharp features melted his heart. He looked at his wife, who was still admiring the baby. He chuckled at her reaction and placed a chaste kiss on her forehead.

"Can I see her?" He asked the nurse.

"Yes. She is awake." Replied the nurse.

Nodding, he walked away to the room where the baby was born sometime ago. He lightly pushed open the door and walked in, followed by his wife.

The room was moderately lit and the lights were not too harsh. Diya was lying on the large bed and appeared exhausted.
She opened her eyes when she felt the presence of his entry in the room.

She blinked at him, while Rajbansi came forward to hug her lightly. Prithvi chose to stand at the foot of the bed, with the baby still in his arms.

"Congratulations." He said with a smile and Diya acknowledged it with one of her own.

"Are you alright?" He asked again.

She nodded with a gulp.

Rajbansi stroked her forehead and asked, "did you see him? He is beautiful."

Diya held her gaze for a moment, but did not reply. Prithvi was taken aback by lack of her response.
He decided to brush it off, blaming it on her exhaustion.

"Did you think of a name?" He asked, looking at the baby. The baby had m as naked to capture his heart.

"Kabir." Diya replied without a thought.
She remembered her last conversation with Jay, where he had mentioned how he wanted to name his son after the elder child of the house, that was Pranav's son.
He wanted his son to ardently follow elder Kabir, just like he himself followed his Dau.

Prithvi looked at Diya and held her gaze, until it was impossible for her and she averted, almost immediately.

Prithvi knew, it was important for her and decided not to pester her for that.

"Do you want to hold him?" He asked gently.

And to his surprise, she went quiet and emotionless for a mere moment.

"Can I ask for a favor?" She whispered loud enough to be heard clearly.

"Yes." He replied, unsure of what she might ask.

"I want you to take sole custody of him." She replied with determination.

A low gasp was heard from Rajbansi.
Prithvi blinked not sure if he heard it correct.

"You heard me right." Diya said, trying to get up. Rajbansi stood up straight and looked between her husband and Diya.

"Think of what you ask. I might never give him back." He replied sternly.

Diya gulped hard. It was evident that it was not easy for her too. But she had to do it.

"I know what I am asking for. I have a bad history. I eventually lose everyone and everything that I love. He will be more fortunate with you."

Prithvi stood still for another moment, trying to see how determined she was and then without another word walked out of the room with the baby, that was now his.

Rajbansi followed him and rushed behind him.

"Prithvi." She called him lightly, when he was about to step down the stairs.
He turned around to look at her.

Her eyes were glossy and had innumerable questions pooled in.

"I am not sharing him, Bansi. I get his full and sole custody." With that he walked away to another room, that was not his bedroom.

Rajbansi sighed. She did not know what Diya was thinking before she made such a decision. She was sure Diya was just emotionally drained out. But she was more worried for her now. The Prithvi she knew, was not someone who could share. He never even shared an apple pie with his brothers. A sole custody of a child was unthinkable. She knew, Prithvi would not let go of his rights on the baby, when Diya will come back to her senses.

Papers were made on immediate basis and the baby was officially adopted by Prithvi.

That night, both Jay and Pranav were restless and they did not know what was troubling them.

Jay thought of the due dates given by the doctors and memories of his sweet innocent wife made his heart scream in pain.
If everything was alright, he would have been holding a healthy baby by now, stroking Diya to sleep.

Pranav's could not have peace of mind, knowing very well that Diya was alive somewhere, probably struggling with life, and to keep the baby alive.
He was not sure, if the baby was alive anymore, considering the circumstances she had been through. He did not even know if she herself was alive, owing to the fact that she might have landed in wrong hands. But his intuition did not let him rest in peace and his brain and heart were constantly screaming that Diya was alive.

Somewhere in a corner of his heart he knew, she was alive and he was still turning every possible stone upside down to chase her existence.

But his efforts were not known to Jay, who had accepted his fate that his wife was now gone for ever with his unborn child.

Jay was burning with revenge. 
He wanted to end the misery of his elder brother.

Ironically, both the brothers wanted peace for the other one, and were struggling for the same in their own way.


Another chapter up



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