Mistake 1

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A beautiful afternoon.
A bit cloudy, but he liked it like that.

What was there to know about him?
Not a lot and he liked it that way.

A part time job, followed by another one.
His day usually went like that.
No college, just nearly made it out if high-school and worked minimum wage jobs.
That's all he could do.
He didn't complain about it.
That simply was life.

He knew that life wouldn't be easy, especially with his father who sometimes seemed to prefer alcohol over his own son.

Min Yoongi. He was providing at the moment for both him and his father.
His father, the only family member that Yoongi knew, the only family he had at this moment.

Some may have said moving out would be better, but leaving his only family behind and just letting his father rot on the street?
That also didn't feel right.

Of course there had been moments that yoongi wanted to forget and never wanted to talk about, but that wasn't enough of a reason for him to just leave his father alone and be completely alone.

He had lost his mother already, now losing his father and reliving that feeling was like a nightmare to him.
He didn't wanna lose his now only family.

"Yoongi can you move those boxes please towards the back? I'll leave for now, once you're done bring out the garbage."

A small 'yes' and Yoongi started what he was told, box after box, just like minute after minute went by.

"1am already.. Only three more hours and I'm done." The cat boy hummed to himself a bit happily that his shift soon would be over.

Grabbing the garbage and making his way towards the back, through the small room for the employees only and opening the back door to quickly put the trash away, only to stumble over something and fall, a painful groan escaping his lips as his knee made impact with the ground, slowly looking back to see what he stumbled over only to nearly scream as he saw a body on the ground.

Wide eyed, not one word escaping his lips as he was unsure what to do.

Was this guy dead!?
Did he just stumble over a dead body?!

Just when he was about to panic there a painful sounding sharp breath got inhaled by the body on the ground.

Not dead.

However there did seem to be something wrong with this guy.

Scanning him up and down.
His black jacket not really giving him any answer, once taking a look at the guys hand that was clutching his side he seemed to have his answer though.

"Is everything alright? Is it-shit it's bleeding! Eh-Right! I'll call am ambulance, just stay here-I mean don't die! Fucking hell.." Yoongi mumbled trying to not panic as he grabbed his phone out of his pockets to dial the number.

Black hair, only some strands falling in the strangers face. Eyes only opening slowly and not even one word escaping his lips as Yoongi talked on the phone.

Yoongi wasn't too sure what to do, trying his best to stay calm, eyes filled with worry and his hand moving down to the guys hand to put pressure on the wound.


He could feel the wet spot, soaked in blood and the red liquid now also on his hands.

His body trembling as he kept putting pressure on it, the eyes of the guy again closing which immediately got Yoongi in another set of panic.

"No no! Don't die! Keep your eyes open! Please please! Fucking asshole I don't wanna be responsible for your death don't die on me!"

Another few cuss words and finally the ambulance arrived.
After that everything was taken care of, Yoongi telling what happened before trying to return to his job.

He for sure wouldn't be able to sleep that day.

Hour after hour.
He continued his day like usual, kind of regretting that he didn't ask for the guys name to check if he still was alive now or not.

All he could do was continue his day and hope for his best.

"I'm home~" the male said as he entered his small apartment, not even getting a response as he walked in and just passing by the living room his father usually occupied as if it was his bedroom.

A look inside the fridge and Yoongi let out a small dissapointed sigh.
He really should go buy groceries but everything was so expensive.

He at least still had a few eggs and some toast.
Enough for that day.
Not a lot but better than nothing.

He probably should buy more ramen as well, that definitely always was a good cheap meal.

Not a lot of money was really bothersome.

Darn did he wanna be rich sometimes.
Buy stuff he wanted without having to worry.
Buying stupid things he didn't even need just for the satisfying feeling..

A stupid imagination that he thought would never come true.

Such a casual day, followed by another one and another one.

Shift after shift, day after day and Yoongi was again having another midnight shift.

The first one after the incident a few days ago.
That definitely was now stuck in his memory, especially the feeling of blood on his hands.

The amount of it just seemed unreal.
If that guy was still alive he really must've been a tough guy.

He did look a bit on the stronger side now that Yoongi thought about it.
Rather lean, like he was working out a lot and his face also wasn't that bad apart from some small bruises and his bloody lip.

The look still had something to it, Yoongi had to admit that.
He wasn't even the type to like such tough guys, but he couldn't change it.
What attracted him simply attracted him.

"Alright, there you go, have a nice day."

The beeping sound of the doors going off as the person walked out, Yoongi sitting back down and leaning back to take a deep breath and relax for a second.

Just when he closed his eyes for a second the beeping of the door again went off and another person walked in.

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