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A silence that was more and more sickening to one's stomach.

What did he expect?

Who was he after all?

Who was the person he had been talking to the whole time?

A pull on the sleeve of his shirt. That's how his day started.

Followed by two eyes that stared down at him.

".. Jungkook?"

Without a single sound the taller kept staring down at him, only another small tug on Yoongis shirt giving the smaller the idea to stand up.

"We go out, get ready."

That was all Jungkook said, letting go of his shirt before walking out of the room and leaving Yoongi behind.

He had to remember the day with jimin as he got ready.
Like a dog on a leash.
The same would probably accur with Jungkook.

And there he was, once again outside, this time however in this seemingly new car that was way too clean, as if never having been used before.

He didn't know where they drove.
He didn't know why Jungkook wanted to go out with him.
But honestly, he didn't want to ask why.

It was a silent ride.

Just watching cars pass by, people walking around and their surroundings from the window.

It was amazing Yoongi himself, how he stopped thinking.
His thoughts just seemed to dissappear, more and more.

As if bit by bit, it didn't matter anymore what he was thinking as he accepted the situation.

The car stopping and Jungkook opening the door for him.

Yoomgi wasn't sure how long they drove. He didn't even think of where they went.

There they stood however.

Somewhere, seemingly nowhere.

Most of what Yoongi saw, was trees.

It was like a canvas that was filled with nothing else but a mixture of green and brown.

This wasn't what he expected.

Fresh air, away from other people, just purely by themselves.

".. Why did you bring me here?"

However all Jungkook did was stare at him in silence for a few seconds.

It was odd.

This didn't make sense.

The fresh breeze, the air that hit Yoongis face and leafs falling to the ground while the tree branches moved bit by bit with every gust of wind.

It was so peaceful. So silent.
So quiet and calming.

It only upset him more however.
How could he feel so calm, so oddly comfortable while being stuck in such an situation.

It seemed unfair.

It was like his heartbeat was going rapid as he just looked around.

This was wrong.

This wasn't how it was supposed to be.

This wasn't what he had wished for.

This was pure manipulation of his feelings, of his human nature to be free.

It felt like Jungkook was messing with him.

"Jungkook.. Why did you bring me here!?"

Yet still the taller didn't say anything, just standing in the same spot as before as he stared up at a tree.

breath Taegi/Yoonmin/YoonkookWhere stories live. Discover now