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"I'm actually very proud of you that you made it on time to rehearsal this morning.", Sally said as they walked to one free table in front of the huge windows.

They had decided to get breakfast in the cafeteria. After having the first music history lecture early this morning they now sat down for eating something. It was 9 am and the cafeteria was quite full.

Sally got a full plate with rice and some chicken because she "felt like it" today.

"What do you want to tell me with that?", Maia huffed as she sat down.

"Right, it's not that you woke up next to the hottest Hollywood star this morning.", Sally shrugged, sitting down opposite Maia, "After having a night with same Hollywood star."

"Oh my God Sally, could you please stop talking like-"

"Like you're having nights with Timothée Chalamet?", Sally wiggled her eyebrows.

"If you keep going I'll get up and you can enjoy your breakfast alone.", Maia grunted without looking up from her plate.

"Means I'm right.", Sally grinned widely with a giggle of victory.

"You're the social one of us, I don't have a problem with eating alone at all.", Maia rolled her eyes.

Restraining another giggle Sally continued eating. Chairs got moved and she looked behind her.

"There's Darya.", she said.

Maia looked up, seeing the Violin student sitting down with a friend a few tables away. She was a gorgeous girl, very talkative and very sure of herself when it came to her music. She never saw the need in - except for musical purposes - really being around other students who weren't studying the same instrument or students in lower semesters.

Darya was just before her final exams in RAM, plus her concert exam.

"London Symphony Orchestra will be happy to have her.", Maia said without changing a face.

She wasn't really liking Darya, more feeling just neutral about her but she knew that they shared the very same goal, since being little children. Playing in the LSO was everything they'd ever want to reach, so Maia was keeping track here and there about Daryas recent application for the orchestra.

"She got declined.", Sally said with a low tone and watched her friend's face change.

"Really?", Maia answered with a shocked frown, carefully glancing past Sally and over to Darya, "Damn...", she mumbled, "That was her dream."

"I know.", Sally nodded slightly, then taking another spoon full of rice, looking back on her plate, "Because it's yours too, sweetheart."

Maia was still watching Darya a few tables away from them with a fellow student, slowly eating a small breakfast while discussing something.

"You guys!"

Maia winced brutally at the loud voice suddenly appearing next to her and Sally.

"You guys!"

"Morning, Sarah.", Sally said with her hand a bit in front of her mouth as she still was chewing on a piece of chicken.

"Morning.", Maia just nodded casually as she didn't like when people just exploded with loud talking right next to her.

"You have no idea", Sarah, who studied bassoon and played in the RAM orchestra too, sat down next to Maia, her phone in her hand with Instagram open, "Who watched our concert!"

"Who?", Sally asked and looked up from her plate.

Sarah held her phone in front of her with a story open. Maia sighed inaudibly as she wasn't really interested in any other social contact next to her friend at the moment. As her gaze flicked over to Sally, seeing her features derail a bit, Maia suddenly remembered.

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