Chapter 13

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Alone once again and this time I felt different, I finally had a purpose I made for myself and that purpose was to save the human world. I felt the power flowing through my body, I felt like I could do anything. "So this is what it feels like to be god." I said to myself.

I made a portal to leave this place and straight to the human world.

Before I got this power I felt weak in this void, it was like I could not do anything at all. But now I felt like I could do anything.

The portal was right in front of me. I took a deep breath then went through it. I arrived at the human world, I was on the air but this time I did not have any wings behind me, I did not need wings to fly because I was god.

I looked down on everything and it was worst than before, the world was almost at it's end. I knew that I had to do something fast but I was distracted by another feeling that came to be at that moment. I could feel the emotions of the humans down there, I could see everything, and I knew what they were all thinking, their deepest desires. The feeling became overwhelming for me but I managed to get myself back.

I knew that the only thing I could do to end all this was to stop Lucifer but he was not in this world, I could not sense his presence. I decided to call, I closed my eyes and called out to him. Without taking much time he appeared in front of me. From his facial expression he was surprised to see me here.

"How did you manage to escape? You are not powerful enough." As soon as he said that he figured it out, I did not need to say anything for him to figure it out. "So he did it, he is gone now." He smiled.

As I looked at Lucifer, I could feel his emotions and it was only anger. The rage in him was so much that it was more than the entire human beings rage combined. There was nothing but darkness in him and because of that I felt a little pity for him.

"I know god had done some really messed up things but he has redeemed himself by sacrificing his own life." I said.

"His life was meaningless to me, I do not care about any sacrifice. What is the point of it when so much damage has been done." He said. "So you are god now, I can feel the amount of power you have inside you, now what are you going to do with it?" he asked.

"First I will stop you from destroying this world and anything that comes after, I will just have to figure it out. Now I am giving you a chance to stand down and stop everything you are doing." I replied.

He laughed, "I know that you are god now but do you think you will be able to defeat me, even the former god was not able to do that. And I have my demons with me." As he said that, all the demons started to gather behind Lucifer.

I knew what I had to do at that moment, "I also have an army of my own." I closed my eyes and started to summon all the angels to come to my aid.

As soon as I did that the angels started to come through a light in the sky, they came behind me ready to fight with me.

So now here I am, between light and darkness, between life and death. But now I chose my own destiny, my own purpose. I did not have to choose between Lucifer and god, I had to choose to do what is right and that is saving the humans.

Lucifer just stayed there waiting and looking directing at me, I was waiting for him to make a move but it seemed like he was not going to do anything. After a while he finally made the first move, he ordered his demons to strike. But as they came towards me, the angels went after them and the battle started.

Lucifer and I stayed where we were but the angels and demons started to fight. I did not know what he was planning but I did not let him out of my sight for even a second. I know that Lucifer is very smart and cunning so I had to be ready for anything. The battle went on between the angels and the demons and still Lucifer just stood there. Even with the power I had, I was not fully sure I could defeat Lucifer easily, I was a match to him but he is smart so who knows what he will do to win this.

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