Chapter 1

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Everyone probably thinks, "Oh well she's pretty so her life must be perfect." But they have no clue how wrong they are.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Lydia. I am eighteen years old. Right now, during late July, most eighteen year olds should be looking forward to college. But I have to look forward to my dad's daily bruises he gives me. He thinks it's my fault that Mom died. I was in the car crash with her when I was only one year old, but luckily, I survived. The way he copes with her death, is, well, beating and raping me.

He made me become a prostitute, just so he wouldn't be in so much debt.

He doesn't care about me. All he cares about is himself, and the only other person he cares about is my mother. And she's dead.

I don't think I can put up with this any longer. But I've got a plan. A very good one actually. It involves my cousin, Harry. His mother is my mom's sister, and she has no clue I exist. No one ever knew about me, because I was a secret. My mother never even married my dad. But I contacted Harry and we've been emailing for the past month. I told him my plan and he wants me to stay with him. But I didn't tell him why I had to run away. I didn't want him-or anyone- to have to worry about me. All I needed was the satisfaction that I was safe.

And since I don't have a birth certificate, he's not legally my father. So, here's the plan: Just run for your damn life, Lydia.

I was snapped back into reality by the familiar sound of my Dad sliding the daily peanut butter and jelly sandwich under my door.

"That's all you're getting for today, you little bitch," he shouted, walking back downstairs. "Be ready for later." I know his footsteps by heart. In an instant, I can tell if he's coming upstairs or not.

"You're gonna have to be ready for me not being their." I mumbled quietly.

I grabbed my black duffel bag from my closet and started packing my only clothes: a few t-shirts and shorts.

I was wearing my only pair of jeans, which were my moms. She had the same slim body as me, and I've gotten pretty skinny lately from the lack of food Walter had been giving me.

That's right. I don't even call him "Dad". He doesn't treat me like I'm his daughter, so why should I treat him like he's my father? And anyways, he treats me like a little pet that he can abuse and do whatever he wants with. I don't go to school. I only have one friend named Jake.

But finding Harry was easy, because my mom had his email on her laptop. My dad had never touched a thing of my mother's. Which is kind of stupid if you ask me.

Harry had told me to meet him at his next concert in Cheshire which was 30 minute away from my house. More like an hour for walking. But in my case, running.

I slowly opened the window, trying to be as quiet as I could. I have been waiting for that smell of fresh, late summer night air to waft through my nose. It feels like it's been forever since I had smelled that fresh smell. The last time I went outside and felt fresh air was when I had to go to Larry's and he paid me to... Well, I'd rather not get into that.

I looked down at my arms that were covered in cuts in bruises. It reminded me of all the pain I had been through practically my whole life. As I slowly put one leg over the ledge, I heard my dad's footsteps. My heart started beating faster and faster. Should I go? Memories of my drunken, high father beating me flashed through my mind. No. I can't stay. I have to go.

I put the other leg over the ledge, and as I was about to jump, I heard my name shouted in a loud, piercing shout, "LYDIA?"

I threw the bag over the legde and quickly jumped off, landing awkwardly on my ankle. The grass tickled my legs, as I tried to get up, but then I realized I couldn't. My ankle had been twisted.

With all my might, I pushed myself up into a standing position. I grabbed the duffel bag, and started to run, tears streaming down my face from all the pain I was in.

"Lydia, YOU COME BACK HERE!" I heard a scream from the window. But I wouldn't look back. I couldn't. I didn't ever want to see his ugly face ever again.

I ran and ran and ran, the tears turning into puddles on the concrete sidewalk. I couldn't do this anymore. My ankle was going to let up any minute now. But I kept running; running for my life. I didn't even know where I was. I just looked down at the ground and winced at the horrible pain I was in.

"Lydia?" I heard a familiar voice and stopped in mid-run. I wiped some of the tears away and turned around to see Jake. He was my only friend and he sometimes visited me to keep me company. He had no family, and I felt bad leaving him. His eyes wouldn't stop looking towards me.

"Where are you going?" he asked, confused.

"I'm- I'm-" my ankle just about had it, and I was about to fall down on the sidewalk. He ran to my side and caught me as I landed in his chest.

"I'm... running away." I finally answered. He helped me walk as I put my arm over his shoulder. He didn't look surprised. I mean, I had told him everything that has happened to me- I bet he knew that I would be running away anytime soon.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Walter huffing and puffing his way towards us. I looked at Jake's car and then back at him.

Jake picked me up bridal style and placed me into the passenger seat as fast as he could, and just as he closed the door on his side of the vehicle, I heard Walter scream, "I will find you, Lydia Marie Thompson!!!"

Well that was obviously not what I wanted to hear.

And again, I didn't look back at that ugly creature of a man as Jake started the car as fast as he possibly could. But that voice echoed inside my brain, because I knew he would do anything to make sure that my life is a living hell.

I placed my leg up on the rest above the seat and I felt more tears coming down my cheeks as we started to race down the street. Jake looked over and I saw a flash of pain and worry on his face. He wiped away a tear and went back to driving.

"I'm going to help you run away. Everything is going to be alright." His voice sounded so sure, that I really believed that I was going to finally get away from my father. The last thing I saw was his beautiful blue eyes and brown hair as I drifted off into a deep sleep, finally feeling safe for once in my life.




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