Chapter 2

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*not edited*

Remember how I had said that I finally felt like everything was going to be okay? Because I think Ihad somehow jinxed it.

The minute I woke up, I heard the screech of the tires stopping and my head shot up. Before I realized it, we were about to crash into a car. Everything was happening so fast.

I couldn't even tell what kind of car it was because I quickly closed my eyes and held onto Jake's hand for dear life. He squeezed my hand back. I didn't want to die. He was my best friend, and I had made him drive me away from my dad. If we get hurt, it's my fault.

"I'm so sorry Jake it's all my fault!!"

"No it's not-"

"You're my best friend, and whatever happens, I just want you to know that I love you!" And I really meant it.

"I love you too-"

We were interrupted when I felt my head hit the steering wheel, and my whole body fell forward. I didn't even know what happened to Jake because I felt my vision start to fade. Then everything went black.

Harry: The lads and I were just driving back from Nandos, to the concert, where I had planned to meet my long lost cousin Lydia, and all of a sudden, we crashed into a small, black, junky looking car. Niall hadn't been paying attention and nearly killed us all.

Our truck wasn't damaged, but I can bet that the people in the other car definitely got hurt. No doubt about it.

"We've got to help them!!" Liam shouted, scurrying out of the car like a little field mouse. He always knows what to do in bad kind of situations. We all followed, approaching the damaged vehicle.

Niall: I looked down into the broken down car and saw the most beautiful girl I had ever seen in my entire life. And this is not an understatement. Her long blonde hair covered half of her make up less face, and there were cuts and bruises on her tanned cheeks. I banged on the window to wake her up, but it was no use. Had I killed her? Was she dead? I tried holding back a few tears, but then I knew what to do.

"Hello!!!" I shouted, trying to catch the man next to her's attention.

But neither of them replied.

Liam took out his phone and started to dial 911 while I looked out onto the dark street. The street lights were very dim as we all waited, panicking, not knowing what to do. None of us talked, we were all in our own little world. My shoulders tensed at the cold night air that made me shiver. We were on a street that was usually busy, but right now it felt deserted.

In a few minutes, the ambulance finally came, and four men came out with two stretchers.

I wanted to cry as they smashed the glass of the car window and took the unconscious beauty away along with the man next to her. It was like seeing a beautiful flower get stepped on by someone. Because you really wanted to keep the flower, and put it in a glass of water at your house. But you couldn't because it was all damaged and bruised.

Harry: When I saw the girl, for some reason it felt like I knew her. Like I was connected to her somehow. It hurt me to see her on that stretcher, her face all bruised and bloody. I hugged Niall as they took her away, because we both kind of felt like we had to take part of the blame. We all had been out of control during the ride, and forgot about the safety of other people.

"Wait, can we come to see if she's alright?" I screamed, waving my hands up in the air as I chased after the ambulance. But it was no use. They had already closed the door and were headed off.

Niall: I had to find the girl. I just had to. I don't even care if we're late to the concert. The nearest hospital was just fifteen minutes away, and I could probably walk there. 

"Harry, I have a feeling that we should see if she's alright."

"So do I, Nialler."


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