Truth About The Other Mother

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"Hey there." Other Father says as he and Other Mother are waiting outside as Alexis, Coraline, and Other Wybie come outside from the basement.

"Was it wonderful dear?" Other Mother asks.

"Oh yeah." Coraline says happily as she explains what happened while walking towards the porch with Other Father.

"I see you decided to visit after all Alexis. Wybie was really hoping you'd come." Other Mother says as she walks off and goes inside with Coraline and other father.

"You were?" Alexis asks as she looks at Other Wybie who nods before frowning.

"What's wrong?" Alexis asks as Other Wybie looks at her worriedly.

"Alexis dear come along!" Other Mother shouts as Alexis looks at Other Wybie before reluctantly going inside where Coraline is sitting at the table.

"For you our little doll." Other Mother says as Coraline opens a box to reveal two black buttons with needle and thread.

"Buttons?" Alexis asks as she looks at the Other Mother curiously.

"Black is traditional." Other Mother says.

"why did you give her buttons as a present?" alexis asks worriedly.

"well to stay here of course. i got you some too. i bet coraline would be much happier if you stayed and became part of the family as her sister or maybe her pet. i know wybie would be very happy if you stay. he seems to have taken a liking to you. but if you girls want a different color we can find you something you like." other mother says happily.

"no way! you're not sowing buttons in my eyes!" coraline shouts as she pushes the box away.

"I agree! Like heck is that gonna happen!" Alexis says as shifts to wolf form and stands beside Coraline protectively.

"Oh but we need a yes if you want to stay here." Other Mother says as she pushes the box back over to Coraline.

"So sharp you won't feel a thing. Ow!" Other Father says as Other Mother kicks him under the table.

"There now. It's your decision darling and we only want what's best for you." Other Mother says as she and Other Father go over to Coraline.

"I'm going to bed! Right now." Coraline says as she quickly gets up.

"Bed?" Other Mother asks.

"Before dinner?" Other Father asks.

"I'm really really tired. Yeah. I just need to sleep on things. Come on Alexis." Coraline says as she and Alexis head for the stairs.

"Well of course darling. I'll be happy to tuck you in." Other Mother says.

"No thanks uh you've already done so much already." Coraline says as she walks into the Other Mother.

"You're welcome. We aren't worried at all darling. Soon you'll see things our way." Other Mother says as Alexis and Coraline soon go up stairs and try to go to bed before seeing they are still in the other house before going downstairs and running outside before walking in the woods.

"I knew it. I knew something was way off about this place. We shouldn't of ever come back here at all." Alexis says worriedly.

"I know Alexis. You were right but we aren't staying." Coraline says before the two hear a meow and see the cat walking beside them.

"And what do you think you two are doing?" The cat asks.

"Well we're getting out of here. That's what we're doing." Coraline says as the further they walk the more they walk into a white blank space.

"Huh? What is with this place? Shouldn't the old well be here?" Alexis asks.

"Nothing out here. It's the empty part of this world. She only made what she knew would impress you and made what she knew would impress Alexis and make her want to stay for you." The cat says.

"But why. Why does she want me?" Coraline asks.

"She wants something to love I think. Something that isn't her. Or maybe she'd just love something to eat." The cat says.

"Eat? That's ridiculous. Mothers don't eat daughters." Coraline says nervously as she looks at the cat.

"I don't know. How do you taste?" The cat asks as he chuckles.

"She isn't your mother Coraline. I don't know what she is but I know she isn't your mother." Alexis says.

"Huh? How can you walk away from something and still come back to it?" Coraline asks as the group ends up back outside the house.

"Walk around the world." The cat says.

"Small world." Coraline says as Alexis nods.

"Hang on." The cat says as he jumps into a bush and come out after a trumpeter mouse from the circus.

"That's one of the circus mice." Coraline says as the cat kills the mouse before it turns into a rat as he drops it.

"I don't like rats at the best of times but this one was sounding an alarm." The cat says as he picks up the rat and runs off.

"Good kitty." Coraline says.

"Very good." Alexis says.

"Come on. Let's try to find a way out in the house. Maybe the little door." Coraline says as Alexis nods and follows her.

Her Protector Coraline Wybie X OC AlexisWhere stories live. Discover now