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Rochelle Stark (Row-chell)
Roche (rosh)
19th December 2010

Rochelle Stark (Row-chell)Roche (rosh)19th December 2010

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Her mother, Amanda Dunn, got kidnapped after she was pregnant, she got tested on and things got injected to Amanda when she was pregnant.

At 36 weeks, Amanda died from a test. Hydra was able to save the mutant child in time. Rochelle Dunn was born 1 1/2 month early.

Roche has powers of talking to and controlling animals. She also has telekinesis.

I'm 2013, at age three, the avengers found the hydra base in Germany. Steve took Rochelle to Fury, they did a DNA test and found out stark was her father.

Tony remembered his second to last hookup, he remembers her going missing in Oklahoma.

He tries to comprehend his child, he accepted her. Pepper did as well.

when Rochelle turned 5, Tony changed her last name to Stark instead of Dunn.

She considers pepper as her mother, Pepper loves Rochelle like her own child.

In 2020, she meets Peter Parker at school. They become best friends, He lives with his hot aunt May. Morgan was born in 2022. She's now 4

In 2024, at age 13, the avengers find out Peter is Spider-Man, Roche already knew-

Rochelle is the avenger "Storm"

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