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Seonghwa couldn't feel anything. His mind was blank. He didn't know anything that was going on other than the fact that he was following the man in front of him. He didn't know why he was doing that, something in his mind was just telling him to.

"I'm glad you came, Seonghwa. In case you don't remember who I am, my name is Soobin. The drug I put in you is different then what I'm going to release into the air. Yours can't be undone by a simple touch from Hongjoong, but I won't tell you what can fix it. Just sit down right there and watch as I release everything into the world right now"

Seonghwa didn't want to sit down, but his body and mind made him. He had no other choice than to watch Soobin press a button, which he assumed released the toxins into the air. He was hoping it wouldn't work, and he thought that it really wasn't working for a couple minutes, after nothing had happened. But soon, he heard many people outside. Not talking, but footsteps. There were so many people that you could hear their footsteps.

"Seonghwa, come look at this"

Seonghwa had no choice but to go over to the large window, where he saw many people. None of them looked like they had a clue as to what was going on. They all looked like him, mindless and not in control of anything. He saw a group of five people who looked familiar, but he couldn't figure out who they were, his mind wouldn't let him.

"See your friends down there? They now belong to me. Too bad Hongjoong isn't there to save them. Oh well, not really my problem now is it?"

Seonghwa only nodded. He couldn't speak, his mouth wasn't letting him. He wanted to scream out because he couldn't do anything and he didn't know why. There was a huge block in his mind, and he didn't know how to get rid of it.

"Let's go down and greet them, shall we?"

Seonghwa followed Soobin down to a large stage in front of all the people.

"I'm assuming you're all wondering why you're here, all of you will be my personal army in overthrowing the government. I'm tired of their stupid rules and not listening when I have great ideas. Do anything you must to get them here but don't kill them. I will be the only one in control here. I will be able to do whatever I want"

Hongjoong eventually just stopped trying to break the glass. After kicking it with his food and pounding it with his hand, nothing seemed to work. He knew it was pathetic, but he gave up. Seonghwa was gone, and there was nothing he could do about it.

The door opened, and Soobin walked in with Seonghwa at his side.

"Open his cell, it's time to see what all he can do"

As soon as the doors to his glass cage opened, Hongjoong ran, he pushed Soobin out of the way and grabbed Seonghwa's hand.

"Shit, Seonghwa don't let him get away"

Hongjoong kept running until Seonghwa suddenly stopped. Confused, Hongjoong turned around to see Seonghwa's blank stare. He looked down and saw he was holding his hand, so why was he still under Soobin's control?

Seonghwa then put something into Hongjoong's neck while he was distracted. It wasn't something to make him sleep, just enough to make him weaker. He picked up Hongjoong and threw him over his shoulder, taking his back to Soobin. Soobin then led them to another room, where he set Hongjoong on a table. Hongjoong's arms, legs and torso were strapped to the table to make sure he didn't escape when the drug wore off.

Soobin took some blood from Hongjoong, just a small amount so he could do just one test for now. After gathering the blood, he walked to Hongjoong again, and grabbed his hand.

"Seonghwa, cover his mouth, I don't want to hear his screams"

Seonghwa went over and put his hand over Hongjoong's mouth. Soobin grabbed one of Hongjoong's fingers, and bent it in a way it shouldn't have been. A large crack filled the room, and Hongjoong screamed into Seonghwa's hand. Soobin then put Hongjoong's blood around his finger, and it went back together, like nothing had happened.

Hongjoong breathes were loud and fast, and he glared at both Soobin and Seonghwa. At some point he passed out, and when he woke up he was back in the glass cell. Seonghwa was sitting on a chair next to him, he assumed he was his guard now.

"Seonghwa. Seonghwa please. What's wrong with you?"

Seonghwa didn't say anything, he just stared at Hongjoong. He felt familiar to him for some reason, but he couldn't figure out why. He was just Soobin's experiment, so why should it matter to him?

"Seonghwa, please, I love you. Please, if any part of you is still in there just please say something"


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