Where am I boutta go? Hogsmeade?

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Mattheo talking to Draco: "I hate when girls, especially my girlfriend think we're gonna leave them all the time."

Mattheo impersonating you: "oH yOuR gOnNa LeAvE mE cAuSe iM nOt GoOd EnOuGh"

Mattheo back to normal: "woman im lucky I even got YOU what do you mean?" 

Draco laughing his ass off on the floor

Mattheo waving his arms around and yelling: "I am built like a twig! I look like every basic white boy with black hair!"

You standing in the doorway behind him: "dear god.."

Mattheo completely oblivious to you behind him: "You are probably gonna be the first and last girlfriend I have, I am hideous!"

Draco wheezing on the floor

Mattheo still ranting: "I appreciate that you have enough confidence in me that you think i can pull another girl like that but I really can't."

Y/N: "this motherfucker..." you low key laughing

Mattheo: "you are stuck with me. Cause there is no way anybodys gonna be lined up at my door like 'I wanna date him!' I don't even know how you put up with me half the time!"

Draco laughing so hard he crying

Mattheo: "im lucky you even looked in my direction! What do you mean I'm about to leave you, where am I about to go? Hogsmeade?"


~Word Count: 210~

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