Y/N Being Y/N pt 3

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Draco: "Y/N would you mind yeeting me off a bridge?"

Y/N: "Yeah sure what bridge and when?"

Draco: "You're- not even gonna ask why?"

Y/N: "I get to YEET someone off a bridge. I'm not asking questions LET ME HAVE THIS!"


Voldemort: "If you don't do what I say I'm gonna kill your entire family-"

Y/N: "Well I'm an orphan and an only child so good luck with that"

Voldemort: "Damn. Damn bitch you make this hard"

Y/N: "If you would have just asked nicely I would have just told you-"

Voldemort: "Okay can I please hav-"

Y/N: "No cause you threatened to kill my nonexistent family so-"


Y/N: "Professor?"

Snape: "Yes Y/N?"

Y/N: "Whats an alcoholic?"

Snape: "Well you see those two birds up there? An alcoholic would see four."

Y/N: "Professor there's only one bird up there.."

Snape: "...... Fuck."


Cedric: "Y/N!"

Y/N: "Mhmm?"

Cedric: "If someone said they'd give you a million galleons for knocking me out, what would you do-"

Y/N: *Grabs a frying pan off the rack and hits him in the head.* "where my money."

Idkw these are so fun to make

~Word Count: 170~

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