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 Like any leaf, I am fragile, light, and dependent. But, like all people, I have someone to help me, and with that, I have the wind as a friend who helps me and takes me to extraordinary places or even to dark places. Even with that, it somehow takes me away from here, and for that, I thank the wind. Thank you, wind.


I was in front of the school gate, waiting for my father. But to my surprise, it was my mother who came.

I stared at the car stopped in front of me and wanted to get in the back seat, even though I was still only nine years old. I sat down in the back seat and resigned myself to it.

My mother was a person I loved beyond any doubt. I knew her very well, and that day she was strange.

"Mom?" I asked worriedly.

She just smiled and started the car.

It was very strange, I felt a bad feeling.

We arrived, she turned off the car and turned around so that we were face to face, she smiled again and in her eyes I could see her despair growing.

"Mom?" I said again, hoping she would say something, what was going on. She finally opened her mouth, but was interrupted by my father desperately tapping on the car window.



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