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Back at William's house, I started to tell him about Richard's proposal. Mayana was horrified, so much so that she began to curse him. I couldn't stand it and started laughing. She stopped and stared at me, and I stopped at the same instant.

"Emi, it's not funny. This maniac wanting to marry you by force, how absurd!"

"Sorry, Mayana." she shook her head and came to sit next to me.

I didn't want to stay here for another minute. I wanted to go and tell everything to Fabio. We stayed three more days in Canada, then we bought passports and returned to Minas. Saying goodbye to Mayana and William was very painful, they were very kind and I liked them a lot. I hoped we would see each other again.

When we arrived at the Organization, I was immediately called to Fabio's office. Fabio was sitting, but as soon as he saw me, he stood up. On his right side was Leonor, with a calm and tranquil expression. On the other side was Efraim, with a harsh and nervous expression. He stared at me, his face seemed to say "Guilty", as if he was accusing me in his mind.

"Honey" he begins calmly. "Tell us. What was Richard's proposal?"

I took a deep breath. I wasn't very nervous. Guilherme held my hand firmly, I looked at him and he whispered a "Yes."

"The negotiation that he proposed to me is without any head or tail. I believe she is not enough..."

"Spit it out, girl" shouted Efraim impatiently.

"Efraim! Let her speak... Silence!"

Fabio defended me.

I took another deep breath.

"Richard wants to bring the families together, he wants me to marry his son, Adam. If I don't..."

"What happens then?" Fabio wanted to know.

"He will kill me. And he will invade the Organization."

"He wants to start a war, that's what! What was your decision, darling?"

"I'm sorry, Fabio, but I didn't agree. I'm sorry."

"What?! Because of that stupid girl, now there's going to be a war! That's great!" Efraim accused harshly.

"Efraim!" this time it was Leonor who warned and scolded him. "You must respect her decision. She doesn't love Adam, we can't force her to marry him. If Richard really wants a war, he'll have a war. Are you with me, Fabio?"

Fabio nodded.

"But sir..."

"No buts, Ephraim! Emi still has my blood, if we abandon her she will die, she will now be part of the Organization. We protect all the members of this society."

Fabio was confident.

"Sir?" interposed Leonor. "Can we organize the staff?"

"Yes. At lunch I'll announce it. We'll have to reinforce our guard. We don't know when Richard and his army will attack. Emi, has he set a specific date?"

I nodded my head no.

"Typical of the Eagles." Leonor accused.

Guilherme and I left the room. I felt guilty, I felt a huge weight on my conscience. Efraim was right, all that was happening and was coming to happen was because of me. I put my hands over my face and cried softly. Guilherme stroked my loose hair, he hugged me, I said nothing, neither did he. After some time, I let go of his arms and wiped the tears away. I had to be strong, I had to look strong. Strong, to give the impression of bravery.

I ran into Luana, Patrick, Stella, Ben, Peter, João and Orlando in the living room at lunchtime.

Luana almost knocked me down when she saw me.

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