Memory lane 7

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" Cassie you can't keep sneaking out, it's not safe and the other caretakers are thinking about locking your windows." a tall woman chided as she stood in front of Cassie, her hands on her hips, a look of worry plastered on her thin face.

Lena was Cassie's favorite of all three Magnolia caretakers, she was the youngest of all of them leading the small pinkette to feel safer with her than with the other two. Lena was in her mid 30's with short red hair and pale skin littered with freckles. She had narrow calculating hazel eyes and arched thin eyebrows. She was most notable for her overall air of confidence.

Despite being quirkless, she was strong and cunning. Cassie really looked up to the woman hoping to be like her when she grew up. Lena was the closest thing Cassie had to a parental figure though she did note that all of the caretakers including Lena to a certain extent kept themselves distant from the children as if they were afraid to become attached.

Cassie looked down at her hands that were placed politely in her lap feeling guilting for her latest escapade outside. She didn't mean to wander outside the gate, she really didn't but she had seen some pretty looking flowers and her urge to look at them closer took over her and now she was having to face the consequences.

Lena sighed rubbing at her temples in exasperation, it was rather clear she was under a lot of stress at the moment. " Listen Cassie, someone is here to see you, behave yourself you will not be permitted to join Ray and the others outside today for your punishment." The tired woman explained as Cassie sadly nodded her head to signal her understanding.

The small girl was escorted down the large stairs of the house and into the playroom where a tall man stood. Cassie's eyes widened in surprise upon seeing his face, she gasped clasping a hand to her mouth " Doggy!" the girl exclaimed, rushing forward only to be yanked back by Lena.

Lena looked mortified, bowing down repeatedly. " She didn't know any better chief. " Cassie looked back and forth at the two adults in confusion, had she done something wrong? The man let out a chuckle shaking his head. " She is a child I take no offense, please fetch us some tea, woof " the man shooed Lena out of the room before addressing Cassie sitting down in front of the girl who quickly mimicked his actions.

" Miss Fox it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, I would just like to ask you some questions is that alright?'' he asked, handing the small girl a stuffed animal of a cat that he had brought her. " Here, I've heard they do not give children many stuffed animals." Cassie's large green eyes sparkled in delight as she took the stuffed cat placing it in her lap.

" What do you need to ask me, mister?" Cassie tilted her head imploring the man to continue. It took him a few seconds to actually speak, it seemed as if he were contemplating something. " Miss Fox... Do you recall anything from before your arrival at the Magnolia house?" he asked, pausing to assess the girls expression.

Cassie frowned, shaking her head sadly. " No I don't remember a thing, the others think it's weird but no matter how hard I try I can't recall anything. " she added, glancing away from the man feeling ashamed of her memory loss.

" I see, do not push yourself to remember child some things are better left forgotten." the man advised patting Cassie's head soothingly. " I haven't introduced myself, my name is Kenji Tsuragamae I am the chief of police here in Musutafu but please just address me as Mr.Tsuragamae alright?" Cassie nodded, smiling up at Tsuragamae.

The man stood up dusting off his uniform making his way to the door. " Alright then Ms. Fox I am afraid this is all the spare time I have for the day, but I will stop by occasionally to check up on you so I will see you again soon. Please enjoy your new stuffed animal and remember to not force yourself to remember things you shouldn't, woof."

Cassie nodded quietly, waving goodbye as she watched the police chief exit the room and soon after the house itself. She wondered why he had stressed the fact of not trying to recall her past and questioned if maybe somehow he knew something that the small girl did not.

About once a month Cassie would be visited by Kenji Tsuragamae, who would ask her the same question every time " Do you remember anything?'' and Cassie always had the exact same answer each and every time. " No."

Over the years Cassie began to look forward to the chief's visits, he was always so kind to her and after he questioned her he would stick around to keep Cassie company, occasionally stopping the other children from hurling rude comments at the poor girl.

She grew to view the man as a father figure, someone she could go to if she had any problems. She knew he obviously wasn't her dad but he treated her as if she were his own child or at least that's what Cassie imagined, she didn't actually know how parents treated their children.

Lena and Tsuragamae were the first people besides Ray to hear of her acceptance into U.A and the first to see her off to her shared house with Ray. Now that she was older the police chief had stopped his visits and Cassie didn't mind. He was making sure something from her past couldn't get to her as a child and from how much he chided her about her memories she figured it was for the best to heed his warnings and leave her mind alone.

But lately she had the urge to start digging to figure out just what happened to her and her memories before she stepped foot onto the well manicured grounds of the Magnolia foster center for young girls, even if that meant going against police chief Kenji Tsuragamae's wishes.

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