Confronting Momo

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Cassie took a deep breath before knocking on Yaoyorozu's door gently. It only took mere seconds for the door to swing open on its hinges revealing the black haired girl who smiled widely at Cassie.

Cassie gulped, her elf-like ears slightly slanted down to match her nervous mood. Momo gently pushed the pinkette into her room and watched as she looked around in awe. The whole place screamed wealth and Cassie almost felt a little jealous of the amount of power this girl held at her fingertips.

" Would you like some tea Fox?'' Momo asked, sitting down on the edge of her massive plush bed that took up most of the space in the room. Cassie shook her head slightly, standing awkwardly in the doorway until the other girl beckoned her over and patted the bed.

Cassie took the sign to sit down resting her hands in her lap, resisting the urge to fidget with her hair. Momo swiveled her body so she could make eye contact with Cassie who glanced away pretending to look around the room some more.

" Are you scared of me?'' Momo asked, breaking the silence that had collected between them and Cassie's eyes widened in surprise, not expecting to be asked that question out of the blue. The female shook her head again but it was clear that her classmate didn't believe her.

" I didn't ask you to come here so I could intimidate you, I just wanted to clear some things up." the black haired girl clarified a small frown plastering her lips. Cassie finally looked Momo in the eye, also frowning however her frown portrayed her more confused attitude.

Momo sighed, running a hand through her black hair that she had let out of her high ponytail. " I don't like Todoroki as anything more than a friend. I know you think I do and I want you to know that I fully and completely support your relationship with him." her voice was soft and now it was Momo's turn to look away from her classmate.

" He told me how he was feeling and I wanted to help things along by pushing you into confessing. I admit I got a bit too excited and I apologize for not considering your feelings. I don't want you to keep avoiding me. I really want to get to know you better, Fox."

Cassie felt her heart melt a little bit, she could tell the girl next to her was being sincere. The pinkette's posture relaxed and ever so gently she grabbed Momo's hands a smile replacing her frown from no more than a few seconds ago.

" I understand Yaoyorozu, I have a bit of trouble reading my peers' emotions and intentions for reasons I'm not ready to share yet. I accept your apology as I now know you meant me no harm." Cassie reassured her classmate who seemed relieved to hear her words.

The black haired girl grinned wrapping her arms around Cassie in a tight hug. Cassie was a little bit startled but it only took a few fleeting moments for her to return Momo's hug. " Please just call me Cassie." the pinkette said happily after the two girls had broken apart from their hug.

Momo nodded her head, her face mirroring Cassie's " If I am to call you by your first name, you can call me by mine as well, It is only fair." This time it was Cassie's turn to nod as both girls walked to the door of Momo's room.

" I'll make sure to remember that from now on Momo, thank you for asking to speak to me." Cassie bowed playfully causing her classmate to chuckle, waving as Cassie walked towards the fifth floor elevator that would take her down to the fourth floor and to her room next to Uraraka's.

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