Studying with Momo & Uraraka

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Cassie stacked several library books down on one of the many study tables that she and her two classmates were occupying. Uraraka had offered to help by using her quirk but the pinkette only smiled and denied her offer, they had a quirk assessment coming up soon and everyone needed to save their energy.

Momo set down a small tray of tea she had somehow managed to sneak in despite the no food or drink policy inside of the library. " Someone's going rouge." Cassie teased playfully, patting her shoulder to which the black haired girl swiveled in her chair sticking out her tongue slightly in protest at her classmate who was quick to mimic her actions.

The two girls had spent several afternoons together getting to know each other and creating a strong bond. Cassie was glad that it was relatively easy to befriend Momo who was quick to open up and let her more spontaneous side show in front of her.

" I simply thought it would help us focus and nothing more." Momo explained her cheeks slightly flushed in embarrassment. After all three girls had settled down Cassie opened one of the books she had found staring down at it in distaste, absentmindedly taking a sip of tea.

Uraraka joined in the conversation, happy to be spending time with her classmates. " Studying together is fun, i've been looking forward to these study meetups." She smiled at her classmates who smiled back. Cassie reached over the table, meeting Uraraka's hand in a high five.

The three girls had been studying together whenever they had free time so their bond as friends had grown just as Cassie and Momo's had. All three of the girls felt comfortable around each other and were more open with each other than before.

Cassie flipped a page making a joke about a picture diagram which made the other two laugh. This went on for about two hours before the librarians kicked them out mostly because they had found them with their tea cups.

After that the girls checked out a few books from the library that they were using and made their way back to Momo's room after she suggested they continue to work there. Cassie already knew how comfortable the black haired girls room was so she was quick to agree, followed shortly after by an enthusiastic Uraraka who bounced happily on the balls of her feet.

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