
10 1 2

This place was crazy big compared to old school back in Cali. I looked up astonished, and while doing so I bumped in to a very pretty girl.

"I'm sorry," I said embarrassed.

"Don't stress it. You new?" She asked.

"Yea," I said rubbing the back of my neck. I'm kind of lost, if you can't tell."

She giggled. "Let me see your schedule," she said taking it from me.

"Grace," she said staring at the paper.


"I'm Grace. You can call me Gracie or Gee, and you are?"


"Cool, I'll call you Cee-Mae," she said comfortably.

"Nice," I said.

"Room 108C, let's go," she grabbed my wrist and dragged me through the halls until we reached an almost full room. "Welcome to English with Mr. Spence."

"Thanks so much," I said gratefully.

"Don't mention it. Just follow the room numbers. I'll find you in café. Good luck," she said running away.


After 45 minutes of Mr. Spence talking about his classroom rules I was ready for a walk to whatever room I was in next. Room 122, great not the same floor. It took me what felt like forever when I found the room. Of course I was late.

"Your late Ms. Name?" He asked.

I thought I'd make it without him seeing me, I was wrong.

"Callie-Mae Rivers," I said standing there.

"Ah, your new." He noticed.

"Yes, sorry I was late I got lost," I apologized.

"It's okay, you have a week to know where my class is before I start marking you tardy. Understood?" He said.

"Yes, sir."

"Now class, my name is Mr. Macan and this is Algebra 2," he cleared his throat, "Pop quiz! Clear you desk."

So he's going to be that teacher. Ugh. I sighed.

Two more periods went by and ah, lunch.

I searched for an empty table and sat there with my peanut butter sandwich and grape juice.

"Hey Cee-Mae."

It was Grace.

"Hi," I said.

"C'mon, you're coming to meet my friends," she said pulling me leaving my juice there on the table stranded. "Guys this is Cee-Mae. Cee-Mae this is Dean," she said pointing at a friendly looking guy. "Liz," she was definitely a cheerleader. "Michael and Megan, they're a thing by the way," she giggled. "And Jase," oh wasn't he handsome I thought to myself. He just looked at me and looked away.

"Don't mind him, he'll warm up to you," She stated.

"So you're new I here?" Asked Michael.

"Yea," I replied.

"Letting you know they're a horny bunch so be careful," said Grace.

I chuckled and looked away.

"Well aren't you a cutie," said a deep voice.

"And this is Mason, the biggest douche I know," said Grace punching him as he walked by.

"Hello," I said.




"How so?"

He winked at me and said, "Can I show you?"

"I'd rather-" I tried to say but got cut off by Grace.

"Okay Mason enough. Wait at least two days before you make a move."

"I don't mind."

"See she doesn't mi-"

"It's cute how he thinks I'm interested," I said smiling as the whole table started punching his arm teasing him.

"Wow Mason, speechless?" Said Megan.

"Shut up Meg," He said leaving.

"Interesting," said Dean.

"What?" Asked Grace.

"I haven't seen him like that since the time in 7th grade when the girl he asked to formal shoved a cupcake in his face as her way of saying no."

"And?" I said.

"You might not be interested, but he is," He said getting up to leave, "catch ya later."

"I don't disagree," Said Megan kissing Michael as she got up, "Bye guys, nice meeting you."

"You too," I said.

"Neither do I, bye." Said Michael running after Meg.

"Gotta dash, bye!" Said Liz.

I looked at Jase, as he looked at me. "I don't really care." He said as he threw his apple in the garbage can that was feet away, perfectly.

"What's his problem?" I asked Grace.

"Who knows," she said getting up, "I'll find you later."

"Okay, bye," I said.

Well this was a wonderful start to the year. The bell rang and I got up and thought about how nervous Mason got and chuckled.

"Haha, 'Can I show you?'", I repeated to myself.


im not sure why it says draft after the title, im not sure how to get rid of it, but this chapter is finished. Vote and comment :D

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