Chapter Four

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*trigger warning: discussion of SA*

"Smart and good looking, geez Mira, this kid sounds like a full package deal if you ask me," Eric whistled, brows raised after Mira told him about her tutoring session. Eric loved hearing every juicy detail from Mira's life, so of course, she couldn't help but to gush about this seemingly perfect boy who just so happened to walk into her life. Was she in love? No. Did she possibly have a big fat crush on him after knowing him for no more than a day? Yes.

"He's just so nice and easy to talk to, like I don't feel like I'm talking to a brick wall with him," Mira sighed, the words of a hopeless romantic slipping between her lips.

"I say, feel things out a little bit more, and if he really is everything you say he is, then go for it. Letting a decent guy into your life for once could be a nice change." He encouraged.

"Yeah, tell me about it," Mira groaned, the ringing of the door opening grabbing her attention. Her mouth fell into a frown as she saw who had walked in, his steely blue eyes making her stomach twist into knots.

"Speak of the devil," she muttered, walking over to the register. Her ex, Kamen walked towards her, his hands shoved into his pockets.

"What can I get you?" Mira asked flatly, her lips pressed into a tight thin line.

"Can we talk?" He asked, glancing around uncomfortably.

"I'm working," she rolled her eyes. She didn't have time for his bullshit.

"Please?" He pushed. Mira tapped her fingers on the counter, letting out a huff before turning to Eric who eyed Kamen suspiciously.

"Can I take a five?" She asked. He looked from Kamen back to her before nodding.

"Yeah, let me know if you need anything."

Mira followed Kamen into the brisk night air out to the side of the cafe, her arms folded over her chest.

"So what's this about?" She asked bluntly.

"I just felt like we needed to talk." He pursed his lips, like he was the one who should have been nervous.

"What is there to talk about, Kamen?" Mira questioned. What she wanted to say was 'why the fuck are you here', but figured she would be more civil in this environment.

"Everything that happened, I know we didn't end on the best of terms..." Mira scoffed, cutting him off.

"By 'everything', you mean when you and your friend raped me?" She spat, her blood boiling. They'd only been talking for less than thirty seconds and he had already struck a nerve. Kamen's eyes darted upwards, scanning their surroundings like he was scared someone had heard her.

"Hey, I know that's what you think happened, but you were asking for it, all you had to do was say no but instead, you've spun this whole elaborate story to paint me out to be the bad guy when you were the one who was too high off her ass to speak for herself," he shot back, sending Mira spiraling. She was about to blow this bitch up.

"Asking for it? Holy fuck Kamen, I knew you were an ignorant asshole but do you even hear yourself? You knew I was in a dark place, I confided in you, and you took advantage of me. I was barely coherent, even if I wanted to form the words no or push you two off of me, I couldn't have. What even made you think I'd be ok with letting you and your friend fuck me anyways? It's fucking disgusting!" She shoved her finger in his chest. His face was full of rage as the words left her lips, and before she even realized it, he'd swiped his hand across her face, her cheek burning from the slap.

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