Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Mira woke up with a throbbing headache, the self control she tried to have last night having completely disappeared once she'd kissed Adrian.

She rolled over in his bed, his hair tousled messily as he let out small snores. It was never her intention to act out the way she had last night, to basically confess to him, but she didn't regret it.

She'd been used a number of times before, another body to curb some ones lustful appetite, but she didn't feel that way with Adrian. Nothing about the way he talked to her, looked at her, or even touched her had been lustful in the slightest. No, he was gentle, his actions driven by passion.

He was the only man to ever treat her like that, to make her feel like an actual person rather than an object.

Last night he told her things would never work between them, and with their current situation, he might've been right, but they wouldn't know unless they tried. Maybe, things would somehow all work out, and they'd be able to escape this mess together.

Mira carefully slipped out of bed, making sure not to stir him.

She made her way into the living room, planting a gentle kiss on Pickle's head before moving onto the kitchen. Adrian was always the one going out of his way to take care of her, and she wanted to do something nice for him. She was no gourmet chef by any means, but had learned from her mom how to make a dangerous stack of chocolate chip pancakes.

She hummed to herself as she pulled out a skillet and managed to find some pancake mix and chocolate chips in the cupboards. She poured the mixture into a bowl, adding a cup of water and some eggs before whisking them in circular motions. Once the batter was mixed, she went ahead and added an abundance of chocolate chips, stirring them in.

She placed the skillet onto the stove and turned the burner on, letting it heat up before pouring in some of the mixture. She turned around to grab some milk from the fridge, jumping a bit when she saw Adrian had managed to slide into one of the barstools, his eyes fixed on her.

"Fuck, you scared me," She placed her hand on her chest. "Were you just going to sit there and watch me like some creep?" She asked, Adrian's lips curving upwards in a childish grin.

"Well you seemed so focused, I didn't wanna kill your mojo." He teased, making Mira's cheeks flush red.

"Right. Anyways, do you like chocolate chip pancakes?" She questioned, Adrian scrunching up his face.

"Never had them before, but if you're making them, they can't be too bad."

"Well, I wouldn't get too ahead of yourself, I once set off the fire alarms because I forgot to put water in my craft mac and cheese cup." She snorted, although she was biting back a smile at the comment. She grabbed a spatula and flipped the pancake over, nearly drooling over the way the chocolate melted into the fluffy flour around it. She repeated the process several times until she had four big, fluffy chocolate pancakes, melting some extra chocolate chips in the microwave before drizzly it on top.

She let out a huff, taking a step back to admire her work. Damn she was good.

She scooped up the two plates, sliding one in front of Adrian, and taking the other for herself as she took a seat in the stool next to him.

"Bon appetite," She stated proudly, watching as Adrian forked a piece into his mouth, eagerly awaiting his reaction. His eyes went wide as he chewed and swallowed.

"Mira . . ." He shook his head, like he was at a loss for words. "These . . . taste like pancakes." He finished anticlimactically, Mira wacking  him across the side of his head in response.

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