o An Emperor's Valentine o

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** Akako Hayami**

I've been dating Seijuro Akashi for 3 years now. He's good-looking, smart and all that but the downside of it all, is the fact that he's always too busy to go on a date or just celebrate a day. Like my birthday or Valentine's Day. To be fair he doesn't really celebrate any of his days either.

That's something I learnt the first year I was dating him.

Here I am, wondering if anything were to be different this year. "Tomorrow's Valentine's Day... there's no point. He'll forget it anyway..." I mumble to myself. I was in his living room, watching a romantic movie with Sei. But alas, he was doing work so I'm pretty sure he didn't hear me.

"Did you say something, Ami?" he asks, looking up from his work.

"Hm? Me? Oh nothing..." I said, looking away. I love Seijuro and I know how much this business means to him, so I don't really bother him much either.

** Akashi Seijuro **

It's definitely not 'nothing'. Her eyes look hazy with no hope. I frown. What do I do?


I was walking down the hallway with Mibuchi-Senpai. "Today's Valentine's Day Sei-Chan! What did you do for Ami-Chan?" he asks me. I look at him weirdly. "Don't tell me you forgot!" he protests.

"What's Valentine's Day?" I ask, curious. He sweat drops. "It's a day when couples just treat one another to something. If you don't have a partner, you normally just treat close friends to something." he explains.

"I can't believe you Sei-Chan! That's like asking what a birthday party is!" he says. I tilt my head. "You have parties just for your birthday? What's so special about that?" I ask.

He deadpans. 

"That's it. Ami-Chan must be so miserable with such a dense boyfriend like you. Go get her flowers and a box of chocolates right now. And come up with something to do for her. Make sure it's from the bottom of your heart. She's such a great girlfriend to you, Sei-Chan. You need to show more appreciation. Reduce your work! She's taken yet alone 90% I see her. Because of that, many boys have tried taking advantage of her! Are you blind Sei-Chan?!?!"he scolds me.

When I hear about what has happened to my girlfriend without my knowledge my blood boils. 'Why didn't she tell me?'

"She loves you too much to bother you from work. Now GO!" Mibuchi says, as if reading my thoughts.

"Very well. But speak to me like that again and you die." I say walking away.

** Akako Hayami **

I was wondering in the hallways, when the speaker spoke. "Akako Hayami? Please come to the front of the school ASAP. Thank you."

'That wasn't the principal's voice... that sounded like Nebuya-Kun!' I thought. My curiosity got the better of me and I rushed to the front of the school. School had almost ended, and the sun started setting. The last bell rang, and everyone was starting to exit their classrooms.

When I arrived at the entrance, I was greeted with a handsome looking red headed male holding a red rose. He glanced my way with a smile. He walked to me and gave me the rose.

"I'm sorry Ami. I'm sorry that I didn't notice. Please forgive my denseness. Happy Valentine's Day." he said handing me a box of chocolates. I smiled as I took the box. My eyes were tearing up.

I looked up when I noticed his cologne leaving my nose. He was walking away. "Sei?" I ask. He then takes his violin out. Music starts playing.

This was my favorite song! I started to sing along with him. I set the box and rose down as he took my hand and started dancing with me. Everyone just watched us dance.

"Sei you sure you're totally okay with this?" I ask, worried for his reputation. "Of course. I'm just hanging out with my girlfriend. If they dislike it, they can take a hike." he said with a smile.

I giggled and kissed his nose. "I love you, Sei."

"I love you, too. Ami. Now and forever."

** Mibuchi, Nebuya & Kotaro **

"YES! OTP FILLED!" They all shout together watching the couple kiss.

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