Chapter 2 - Sam's Pack

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"Neveah, come over here a sec!" Tristan called out to me, I excused myself from the group of women serving out the food, they nodded at me fondly as I walked away, towards Tristan. "Neveah, I would like to introduce Paul Lahote and Mr Lahote." Tristan gestured to each of them.

"Nice to meet you," I said politely, they nodded back smiling, and turned to Tristan as if waiting for him to say something. Tristan cleared his throat.

"Neveah, Mr Lahote is your biological father's brother," I whipped around to face Mr Lahote, he nodded, confirming that it was true.

"He passed away about two years ago, a car accident, they say." Mr Lahote explained.

"Oh," I didn't know what to think, how could you mourn for someone you never met or knew in your life? Then a thought occurred to me. "So if you're my father's brother, that makes you my uncle, and Paul my cousin?"

"Yes that's right," Mr Lahote nodded, "You can call me Jason if you like," he nudged Paul forward. "Why don't you introduce Neveah to the rest of the boys here? I'm sure she'd like to meet them." Paul didn't look too thrilled but he nodded at me to follow him.

I followed him down to the water edge, there were three boys rough-housing at the edge of the water. Despite the cold weather, they were wearing shorts and t-shirts, just like Paul. He let out a whistle and they stopped rough-housing.

"Neveah, this is Sam, Embry, and that crackhead is Jared." he pointed first to the older one and then to the younger one.

"Nice to meet you, Neveah." Jared held out his hand and I took it without thinking. It was burning hot, I almost shot my hand out, but tried my best to pretend that I didn't notice. Jared, however, did, and immediately let go, shoving his hand deep into his pocket.

Sam didn't shake my hand, he nodded at me politely and asked how I was doing, Embry smiled and wave, We stood in an awkward half-circle before Embry started asking questions.

"You're Tristan's niece, aren't you? That's what I thought!" He smiled, "How do you like LaPush so far?"

"It's a little cold," I replied

"That's what you get when you move down here! 206 days of rain." He joked, Sam and the others let out a few small chuckles.

"Not that it bothers us," mumbled Paul, Sam growled deeply in his throat and I snapped to look at him.

"So, what brings you to LaPush?" Jared asked quickly, trying to move on. I opened my mouth to answer but nothing came out. I remembered clearly, I just couldn't get myself to say anything. They all stared at me, waiting for something to come out of my mouth. I swallowed, trying to stay composed.

"Neveah? Are you alright?" Sam asked he reached out to touch my shoulder and almost drew back immediately, clenching his hand into a fist to refrain himself.

"Excuse me," I barely gasped out, I turned in the opposite direction and started walking, before breaking into a run down the beach, I didn't turn back, I just kept running, just like I always did whenever a problem arose.

I stumbled to a stop and slid behind a rock to catch my breath, It took a moment for the air to come into my lungs, It was like my throat wouldn't open up. Tears filled my eyes and dropped silently, onto the sand, then, like a damn breaking upon, air entered my lungs and I took a deep breath in through my mouth.

The ground began to quake, particles of sand vibrating violently, slowly raising into the air.

No, not now, not now,

I wheezed air in and out, recoiling from the ever rising grains of sand. I squeezed my eyes shut, willing for everything to return to normal.

"Hey, are you okay?"

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