#10: -𝙵𝚕𝚊𝚖𝚎𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚊 𝙵𝚕𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚢 𝚐𝚞𝚢-

272 7 10

Warnings: uncanon personality, highschool AU, not canon personality, writing mistakes

Alright so this was supposed to be for my book "Flames" so their personalities are uncanon. Please correct me if i forgot to change the pronounce or name so yep and Catherine is an insert background character anyways lets get to the story

3rd person pov.

The atmosphere on the school was very same and loud with Espresso making jokes before Madeleine could come to school.

Its the first time that Espresso truly felt happy, the teacher let them be because its the only time those kids have to enjoy themselves out of these stupid schoolwork.

The students were laughing except for Herb, whos been waiting for Sparkling for almost an hour, Sparkling repeated a grade so he is still in grade 11, ironic isnt it? The teacher noticed Herb Feeling annoyed so she eventually told him he was going to be absent.

Herb nodded and went into Madeleine's seat attracting Espresso's attention. He tapped his shoulder which is a sign to 'later okay?' and he nodded. The whole class never even noticed him walking towards with all their eyes, ears and even heads into Espresso, Espresso was known as the boring kid because Madeleine had always been on top of him. (And by that i mean Madeleine always takes the attention while Espresso is left behind)

Herb couldn't wait any longer and scoffed and put her headphones to play "The spider and the kitsune like lion" and left. Espresso was supposed to give him money for him to buy on canteen, for he is poor because he spend it all in online shopping for planta (just kidding he is rich but yeah)

The atmosphere is still the same Madeleine came in. He was close to explode by seeing many people at his seat and gathering around his 'bestfriend'; Espresso. The students got scared of the little glare he gave on Espresso which is basically telling him "What the fuck are you doing?" Which Espresso didnt notice at first until the students started to back out. Espresso's mouth which is filled with Strawberries started to let out small coughs. Madeleine on the other hand went into his seat and stared deeply into Espresso's brown eyes which started to tear up by the deeply scary annoying stare Madeleine has been making.

The teacher noticed the tension between those two and gave Eclair a glare, basically asking whats happening. Eclair shook his head and raised his shoulders and the teacher nodded mouthing okay, its worth trying to ask right? The teacher sighed trying to not sound weird and just let them be.

She stood up infront of the class greeting them with a good morning and god bless. The students greeted her back and went to their seats as soon as they greeted her. Laughing filled the room again after that, but this time, it not Espresso's fault, it was Madeleine's.

Espresso stood over there quietly trying to laugh with the other kids the class soon starts with Ms. Catherine saying 'shh' and 'take your seats' which was followed eventually by the noisy students with a so-called obedient manner with small giggles and cackles as they all both sat down. The teacher wrote the reviewers on the board for the upcoming test fastly and Madeleine decided to put on a show by trying to be faster than the teacher to impress other students, which kinda failed by Espresso being faster than him. Well, he became second though.

He thought.

The news on the school spread on Raspberry and Madeleine being together and he didnt like that fact. He isnt against on their relationship but he knows that Madeleine isnt gonna be a good boyfriend to Raspberry by the looks of him.

Madeleine is a smart kid who loves joking around in the school. He met many people and he loves it. He is a jerk like person who doesnt care about other peoples feelings and is a selfish brat. He waited for Madeleine to be done passing the notes to the teacher to talk with him for a second and discuss stuff.

He isnt against their relationship because he is the cousin of Raspberry's bestfriend but because he is aware he would treat her poorly.
He would rather date Madeleine than let a good hearted person like Raspberry date him. If only it was accepted by society though. Wait- that kinda sounds gay isnt it?

He woke up from daydreaming by the sound of a loud thump on his table just to find Madeleine with his heavy hands on his own armchair grinning with his blue eyes being the only thing that looks really innocent in his face. He might have guessed what was he thinking or just a coincidence? Madeleine moved his face closer to Espresso until they look like they were about to kiss.

The evil grin started to turn into a relaxing mouth with the blue eyes looking at the pinkish-lips of Espresso  that made Espresso swallow his own saliva due to awkwardness and confusion.

He noticed Raspberry was staring at them weirdly and pushed him away from him as far as possible, which made Madeleine's relaxing mouth became a frown. He did it for reasons ofcourse, and he is sure Madeleine would understand right? Not until he saw Latte staring at them with a smirk and was about to write something. He got nervous but also not so nervous because what will she do with a paper? He doesnt know either. Sometimes things that you dont know makes you nervous right? But that nervous feeling soon ran away as he knew he will find out about it later, or so he thought. It will be nothing worst than Latte eating sand when she was 14, right?

The bell rang and it was time for lunch so everybody went out to go to the cafeteria to buy some food but his eyes was still focused on Latte who hid the paper in her bags pocket and left. He didnt see how Madeleine walked away so he just escalated quickly into Latte's bag and found the paper with 6 folds. He knew what he is doing is a violation but atleast he wasnt doing any drugs and stuff soh e opened the paper and saw his name and Madeleine's name on it.

Flames. It was flames.

He forgot that Latte and Raspberry are BL lovers so its obvious that they have found it fruity. The results was "LOVERS" but it was just a stupid matching game. So theres nothing to worry about right? He placed the note into the same place as Latte placed it and walked away. He went down to the canteen and he immediately saw Herb with Clover and Cherry Blossom. Chery Blossom and Clover greeted him and he nodded at them and left to take some foods. He still thought about the Flames thingy as he was in the line of people.

Then he felt somebody holds his shoulders. It wasnt something like someone to be afraid of especially for a man like him but still, he became afraid over a small thing and thats what makes him so insecure like he is a girl, nor a weakling. He touched the hand as if it was his lovers hand to maybe to trying make the guy calm down, it didnt help. The grip of the man's hand into his shoulders became more tightening and hard. There was a voice that came from afar calling Madeleine, the hand immediately let go off his shoulders and he finally got to breathe again.

He looked at the exit of the canteen and saw Madeleine looking at him with a slight smile on his face. Madeleine looked around and winked at him. He didnt knew what it meant but he is sure that Madeleine was flirting with him.

After the break time ended, Espresso found a letter on his bag pocket and he opened it to see the following words,

"Like that cute little ass of yours, shall i give you a punishment for stealing my place when i was not around?" Followed by a 'love Madeleine.'

Madeleine sure is a flirty guy.


I think ill make 3 parts of "#6: -𝚂𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚝 𝙼𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜- (1/3)" thats why this is alr the oneshot No. 10, sheesh im getting far and yes another chap coming soon

Word count (including this outro): 1413

ꨄ︎: 𝘍𝘰𝘳 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘖𝘯𝘭𝘺 , 𝘌𝘴𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘦 ; 𝘊𝘙𝘒 ✅Where stories live. Discover now