#11: -𝙼𝚞𝚜𝚒𝚌 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙶𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚐-

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Warnings: prolly uncanon personality, highschool AU (musician Espresso)

This was inspired by msa "no one has seen my real face" and also i took this from my valir x vale drafts so yeah tell me if i got names and pronouns wrong

Third person pov.

As for the musician Espresso, he didnt want anybody worshipping him just because he was a famous singer. He want to live a normal life like a normal boy who goes to school and study and play games, like how Madeleine does. Madeleine is a very naughty person and he plays games most of the time. Although he is also smart and is known from his pranks.

After Espresso's concert, he started to look for a school by his plan to quit singing.

He then found a school, its a highschool for people on the kingdom. He enrolled in there and then finally he reached his dream and that is to be free.  At first his parents were against it but he deserve a break too, he was a celebrity for 5 years after all.

Espresso fell down on his bed relaxing and thinking it was the new and best chapter of his life. The next morning, Espresso put on his oversized hoodie and a black shorts that stopped on his thighs and put on some pair of boots and voila! His style is much different than before and its better now! He then walked to his bike and started to bike away to his adventure in his new school.

On his first step, it was already incredible! Many pigeons and people studying stuff. He then saw a blonde haired guy who looked pretty cool.  He went straight to him and greeted him. "hi im-" but before he could finish his sentence the guy looked at him and smiled. "Espresso, yes i know your famous" Espresso was left stunned because somebody still knows him even here.

"Do- do they know im famous too?" Espresso said anxiously. "No sweetheart, they dont. Im the one who gets to access internet in here. The names Madeleine anyways." Madeleine replied.

Madeleine was a very sweet guy and he always look after Espresso like he is his personal bodyguard. Although he is very mischeivous and a prankster. But he never really scared him. On lunch they both sat next to eachother and talked about their lives. He told Espresso that he once put a fake spider on Mrs. Latte's book. Yep she got scared and ran away while Madeleine is laughing like crazy. The first days were always good and Espresso liked it in here, he might never come back to singing again.

Espresso started to develop feelings for him just a few days. One day Espresso was walking at the corridors he saw Madeleine talking to someone;

"You like Espresso dont you?" Latte said.

"No, im not gay and i dont, i only like him as a friend."

Espresso heard it and that made his heart shatter. On the classroom Espresso tried to act normal as Madeleine is talking to him.

"Class you have a new classmate and that is Asahi Takahashi, he is from Japan." The teacher said.

"Hello everybody my name is Asahi Takahashi and im 17, its a pleasure to meet you" Asahi said with a little accent, "Asahi, go seat next to Espresso."

Asahi sat next to Espresso and then he talked to him. Madeleine was watching from afar frustratedly. Romantically or not? As far from he knows Madeleine doesnt like him because he is not gay. But why was he suddenly mad? Is it because of romance or friendship? Madeleine was very confused of his emotions.

ꨄ︎: 𝘍𝘰𝘳 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘖𝘯𝘭𝘺 , 𝘌𝘴𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘦 ; 𝘊𝘙𝘒 ✅Where stories live. Discover now