Lanayru Province

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Here's another chapter. I know it has been a while since the last update, but I can't promise that it won't happen again. Life can get crazy.

For Link, the most exciting thing that happened while he recovered was when he tried to get up. He wanted to use the bathroom but overestimated himself and collapsed. Midna tried to catch him but just ended up getting crushed, but she was fine. Link was stuck in bed for a week, only able to leave with Renado's help, and worried about his counterpart coming for him and wondering why he didn't.

Most of the time he was awake was spent trying to devise a way to reach Lanayru without provoking Dark Link. He intercepted Link when he made a straight shot for Lanayru, so the smart thing seemed to be an indirect route. But a nagging feeling told him that whatever he tried to do would end up failing.

For Midna, the recovery was very different. She was waging an internal war with herself, and it wasn't going well. Being stuck inside her own body was the strangest sensation she had ever felt, and even if she could speak to anyone about it, she had no idea how to describe it. The most interesting part was that she wasn't often stuck inside herself. She could do whatever she wanted most of the time, but she lost control whenever she tried to reveal what happened to her.

Her hopes of someone catching on were quickly crushed. When her body acted on its own, it was a flawless actor. Everything she said or did was exactly what she would have done, and no one realized it wasn't her. She fought it with everything she had, but it soon became clear that it was useless.

Soon, her memory of what the Fused Shadow was doing began slipping away. She found herself slowly forgetting about being trapped in her body and started believing she did the things her body did on its own. She held onto the memories with a death grip, refusing to let go, and it worked to an extent. Most of the time, the memories remained, but sometimes she'd find herself simply going about her day before seeing herself in the mirror and wondering why she was still wearing the Fused Shadow.

"You're healing at a remarkable rate, Link. You should be back to normal soon," Renado said as he examined Link's stab wound, impressed by its progress. "I'll have to take the stitches out soon, and then you should be fine."

"That's good," Link replied as he pulled his shirt back down. "Renado, I've been thinking. I've run into a lot of problems out there. A lot of things can give me pretty bad injuries, and I might not always be able to get back here." A frown set on Renado's face, and Midna whipped her head away from her book with a concerned look. "Can you make some kind of kit for me to take so I can heal myself if I have to? If I get stabbed again and can't make it back, I need to know how to do something like this myself," Link said, gesturing to his stitches.

"Link, you are talking about stitching your own wound shut," Renado replied. "That would be incredibly difficult, not to mention agonizing without any numbing agent."

"Between extreme pain and death, I'll take the pain." After a short silence, Renado sighed.

"Very well, I will assemble medical supplies and instruct you in their use. But try not to need them." After Link gave Renado a nod, he made his way to the door. "We'll speak more of this later. I'll leave you to rest." Renado left the room, and Midna put down her book and floated to Link's side.

"Are you seriously going to do that to yourself?" She asked.

"If I have to."

"What about the spring water?"

"The spring water can't heal everything, and we can't carry a lot of it. Besides, it's not like having extra medical supplies will make me more likely to get hurt."

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