Chapter 2

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You woke up on Monday with the usual tired haze hanging over you. School was always a drag and you were often left counting down the hours until you were free to go home. You remembered your interaction with Reese the previous Friday and the thought lessened your dread. You hoped that he might make an effort to talk to you considering how well you got on, though your expectations weren't that high.

Climbing out of the comfort of your bed, you began to throw together an outfit, choosing your favourite hoodie and a pair of jeans so as to look half decent. You also took care to comb your hair into something more presentable than its current state, which was messy and frizzy. With a final glance in the mirror, you deemed yourself good enough to head down stairs. Grabbing a slice of toast before hand, you decided to set off, throwing your backpack on and hoping that you'd remembered to pack your science textbook the day before.

Upon arriving so school, you notice.a friend of yours, Cynthia, sat on the steps leading to the maths block. She notices you and waves over to you, sporting a wide grin. Cynthia was far more outgoing than anyone you'd met before and her positivity never faltered. "Y/n! Hiiii" She chimes , standing up from her seat and making her way over to meet you at the gate, her long brunette curls bouncing slightly with each step she took.

You spoke about your weekends, her telling you about an academic event she had attended and you about your cooking class with Reese. "I think I know his brother, it's Malcolm, right?" She asks loudly. Though you loved having Cynthia as a friend, you did wish she had better control over her volume at times. "I wouldn't know. We didn't really talk that much." You say earnestly. It was true though, you hadn't spoken about much other than school and cooking. The bell interrupts you both and you make your way to class.

It sucked that your high school hadn't adopted the one way that your middle school had. It meant there was always kids shoving past one another and getting to class was like going through an obstacle course. The trick was to stay close to the walls as you made your way between classes. Today you found yourself rummaging around in you bag for english homework, not really paying attention to that around you, hoping you hadn't forgotten it or left it lying around at home.

Just as you found it, crumpled as it was, you were knocked back by someone dragging their heels on the schools outdated beige floors. The person went to insult you, their eyebrows furrowed and a frown fixed onto their face. Upon realizing your identity, however, his gaze softened and you realized it to be Reese. "Oh, sorry" you mutter politely. "It's fine." he mumbles, maintaining his moody attitude but refraining from taking it out on you.

You were given a slot of five minutes to get to lesson and since you were running early, you thought it a good idea to enquire further. "You okay?" you ask earnestly, naturally sympathizing with him. "Yeah. Why wouldn't I be? Mind your own business." he says defensively, as though the answer was obvious. His response comes off as snark and you are tempted to walk away. "You just seem off." You say, unsure how to explain yourself. "I'm here if you want to talk though." You add awkwardly. You didn't know if it came off as kind or just nosy. You knew that you would have appreciated the offer though, and so were mostly glad you'd said it. You left with a soft, friendly, if not confused, smile and continued to your lesson, wondering what it was that was bothering the boy.

You continued with English as usual and quite enjoyed the novel you were currently studying, it had been your favourite book for a while and you were excited to hear you were going to be able to learn so much more about it. Your interaction with Reese, however, lay in the back of your head throughout, continuously coming to mind. You tried to come up for various reasons to why he may have been acting the way he did but you just couldn't be sure for you knowledge on the boy didn't go very far.

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