♡︎ 2 Hearts Broken 2 Hearts Full / Jamilly

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- Charachters : The Music Club
- Genre : Fluff? ( slight smut )
- Requested by : gachalia_
- Pov : Third person / Narrator

Milly sighed.Jake had just left the club room to go meet his absoloute douchebags of friends.She already missed him.Milly sat down on the table where Sean normally sat.It was just her,Hailey,and Sean.Zander and Luke had gone to history class with a sickening amount of PDA,holding hands and giving eachother goo goo eyes.It made her feel sick in a heartache way.Apparently,the longing in her eyes was obvious,as Hailey came over from tuning her guitar and asked " Whats up Milly?"."Yeah,you seem kinda upset" Sean pausing his sweeping for a second       " It's not like you."."I-" Milly started " I like a - " She sighed,covering her face in her hands.

Milly felt Hailey quirk an eyebrow and glance at Sean in confusion.Sean had probably looked just as confused."I like a...person.." She mumbled embarrasedly into her palms.She could feel her face going pink,just thinking about his sweet smelling jacket that stunk like his cologne.Milly hated the smell of that cologne before.But now,because she knew he liked it,it was her favourite scent in all of the world.

"Oh," Hailey processed."Oooohhh" she grinned teasingly."Milly has a cruushhh~"."Shut up Hailey" Milly blushed into her hands."So,any clues on the lucky person?" Sean smiled,propping his broom up against the wall and walking over to his usual seat."Well...th-they're in the club" She looked up.Hailey had frozen,and Sean had gone rigid.That was way too obvious.It either had to be Hailey,Sean,or Jake.And if it was either Hailey or Sean,she would never,ever tell them if they asked.So now they knew it was Jake.Great job at keeping secrets Millicent.

"What's wrong?" She questioned."Oh...nothing" Hailey laughed nervously,Sean giggled slightly behind them.Hailey cleared her throat,"So are you coming to mine for a sleepover tonight?" She was obviously desperate  to change the subject."Oh...yeah I am" Milly was confused,why the sudden change in tension?."Anyway,I've got to go,y'know,english class." She finished abruptly and practically sprinted out of the room.Milly turned to Sean,who was packing his laptop into his bag,about to ask him " What was that about? " but he just looked at her with a wan smile " Got to go to,sorry Mils " He winced slightly as he quietly left the room.

"Oh...okay,bye..guys" Milly whispered sadly under her breath

------------- At the Austin / Wickham house

Milly rang the doorbell with a smile on her face.Zander opened it,frowning " Jeez Milly,we've been waiting for you for 10 minutes" He scolded sternly.Milly ran under his arm " Yeah,Yeah,traffic, " Zander rolled his eyes and followed her in.

Hailey,Sean,Luke and He was there.Jake smiled his sunny smile "Hey Milly!." Milly blushed slightly." Uh,yeah,hey" She smiled slightly.The rest said hello,hey,whats up,whatever.Zander sat down,"Right,who wants to play Truth Or Dare?" There was a devious look in his eyes.Everyone agreed reluctantly."Alright,Hailey,go first" Zander nodded at her. "Oh,ok,uhhhh" Hailey looked at Luke."Luke,truth or dare?".Luke thought about it for a moment before saying "Dare.".Hailey narrowed her eyes at Zander and Luke mischeviously.

"I dare you and Zander to kiss" She smiled.Both Zander and Lukes faces turned red.They turned to eachother and looked at the other for a second before leaning in and giving a peck on the lips.Zander had turned bright pink and Lukes cheeks were flaming red.The game continued,boring as most games are.Until Milly was asked."Milly" Zander glared at her " Truth or Dare?".Milly had comepletley zoned out."Uh..dare?" She only then realised it was a horrible desicion when she saw the look on Zanders face."Kiss someone." He said.Milly was panicking                  " Wait,what?,who?,what?!" The shock in her voice was showing."Just pick someone dumbass,anyone" Zander rolled his eyes.

"Uh..."Her eyes scanned the room.Jake was her first thought.But would it be too forward?.Finally,she sucked in her breath "Jake."She uttered,and she saw his cheeks go pink.She walked over to him slowly.They both leaned in and...well,they kissed.It was less than a second but Milly felt like fireworks were crackling warmly on her lips,like she was being bathed in sun when his lips touched hers.

She pulled away first and turned around silently,back to her place across the floor.Hailey was looking at her paley and Sean was staring at the ground biting his lip.Jake covered his face and Zander looked at them all strangely."Hm" He thought out loud.

The game continued until Zander and Luke practically passed out,only Hailey,Sean,Jake,and Milly were left awake.Millys throat was parched,"Hey,guys,I'm just going to get some water alright?" She clarified,rising from her sleeping bag.Hailey and Sean looked up from their conversation about the music competetion and nodded.Jake started " Oh yeah,I need some too." He smiled at Milly and followed her out of the room.

In the kitchen,Jake stood nervously beside the kitchen island."Whats wrong Jake?" Milly asked.Everyone was acting so weird around her,it was so confusing,this whole on / off thing."Milly I..." He paused,gathering his thoughts with diffuculty and then somehow letting the rope he had captured them with rip."I.Um,I really like you,Milly,and I..."Milly stared at him,unimpressed " Did Zander dare you to do this? ".Jake waved his hands infront of him."No!,no Milly I actually really like you" Milly narrowed her eyes at him,she didn't want to kiss him and find out it was a "best-friend" kind of like.

Jake averted his eyes from her,his cheeks going scarlet."I want to go on a date with you..." He mumbled.Milly processed what he said before being unable to keep ahold of the  reigns anymore.She kissed him.There it was again.The feeling of a gentle wheeze blowing through her hair as sun rays washed every fear & doubt she had away.She wrapped her hands around his neck and he enveloped her waist in his hands.Jake was kissing her back.

Milly opened her mouth slightly,to get some air.Jake took the chance and slid his tongue into her mouth,only slightly.Seeing if she was okay with it.She wrapped her tongue around his and they kissed,passionately,but sweetly gentle too.A small moan escaped Milly's mouth as Jake went deeper into her throat.Finally,they pulled apart.

"So,is that a yes to the date?" Jake grinned smugly.Milly laughed and they made their way back into the living room.Sean and Hailey had tucked themselves into their sleeping bags,but there was an air of tension that Milly chose to ignore.She lay down beside Jake and they clasped hands and smiled at eachother.He was hers and she was his.Finally.

The thing neither of them noticed was the tears in Haileys shut eyes or Seans kept in sobs.

A/N JESUS THIS IS SO LONG 😨 i dont think i'll ever write a oneshot this long again btw 💀also,sorry if this wasnt what you were imagining,i was kind of stuck lmao

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