#12: -𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚗𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚗𝚍-

350 2 13

Warnings: Pretty cringe, masturbation, cigarettes, guns, uncanon personality, some stuff are like alice in borderland

Im taking way too many stories into my other books and putting it here lol

Again pls correct me if i have forgotten to change the name/pronouns.

3rd person pov.

The sun rises up again, it hits Espresso's eyes. He took the blanket beside him and covered his head, he tried to sleep again. Not so long after, he felt something rustling behind him. He got suprised a bit, he didnt knew if it was Herb or someone went inside his 'room'. For sure, it wasnt Herb. The person was hugging Espresso tightly. Espresso moved the persons hand and realised something, this wasnt his room. He sighed, "i shouldn't have gone into that party." He thought, he turned to the person, he was shocked. It was none other than Madeleine, he stood up quietly trying not to wake the blonde haired guy. He put his shirt on, he took his shorts that is beside Madeleine's shirt. He put it on and went to the door of Madeleine's room, there was a passcode. Espresso went into the bedside table on Madeleine's side and looked for a card. The noise outside was kind of loud and he is suprised Madeleine didnt even wake up.

He found a card at the last drawer, he looked into the card; '6969' the numbers were a bit odd but its Madeleine so Espresso wasnt that surprised. He placed the card inside the drawer and went into the door quietly. He entered the passcode and the door was unlocked, he looked down and put his hood on, after that, he went into Herb's room.


Madeleine was left alone in his room, he reached out for the other side to try and hug the smaller man until he felt like nothing was there. He was kind of shock, so he sat up and realised Espresso already left, he didn't knew how, but he is sure Espresso didnt knew what was the password. He looked around, he knew he was completely naked. He chuckled a bit and took his shirt and put it on. The noise outside was loud and annoying, he scoffed and tried to focus on what he is gonna do today. He took his gun that is on the bench on the corner of the room and put it on his bed. He took his pants and put it back on. He took his gun again and put it on his pocket and entered the room code. He opened the door and the noise is louder than before, music playing and people screaming and talking and laughing.

"That bitch thinking he could escape me after he flirted with me last night." He murmured, he looked around trying to spot the brown haired boy but there was nothing. Madeleine went down the stairs and stood quietly smirking. Tons of people were screaming as Sparkling announced there will be another party, he groaned while rolling his eyes, 'does this people not get tired or something?' he said to himself. Knight went to him and tapped his shoulders. Madeleine licked one of his pointy upper teeth or in short, fangs. He chuckled then looked away. Knight knew what had happened between the two boys and he was kind of flabbergasted because he was the one who witnessed how they both did it, well, atleast he didnt watch the whole thing.

Madeleine closed his eyes and opened it, as he was about to speak he spotted the brown haired guy talking with Herb in the corner, Herb seems so happy while Espresso seems so worried. Madeleine looked at him for awhile. The smaller guy looked back at him blankly but half suprised. Madeleine smirked at him licking his bottom lip and winking. Espresso quickly broke their eye contact and Madeleine frowned.

Knight went closer to Madeleine and looked at Espresso. He looked back again to Madeleine and offered him a box of cigarette. Madeleine looked at the cigarette and took the box without looking at Knight. He put the cigarette on his mouth and took the lighter on his pocket by his one hand. He asked Knight to hold the box of cigarettes. Knight obeyed and took the box while Madeleine lit the cigarette up. He took the box back and looked at Espresso who was now gone. Madeleine looked mad and Knight sensed it too. Madeleine rolled his eyes and walked away. He went to the stairs to go to the rooftop and relax for a bit. As he got to the rooftop everything became faded. There is still some noise but its not as loud as before.

He smoked all dawn while at the same time he was thinking about the brown haired boy. He slept with many girls in the party-house, but Espresso was different. He sighed knowing he would never make Espresso like him... Unless if he makes himself as someone who is Espresso's type. He chuckled. Maybe he could get Espresso to love him even if he isn't his type... Atleast thats what he thinks. He pulled Espresso and he thinks he could pull him again. He laughs, "i think im going on a mission starting today." He thought. "I just need to make Espresso love me and im gonna be the happiest person in the world." He says to himself.


He smoked the cigarette again and blows it, its already the 6th cigarette that he blew. There is only 4 cigarettes left in the container. He looked at the cigarette on his mouth and admired the fire on it. Although its not much of a fire, he still liked the view. He calmed himself down by smoking, it became a hobby from the past days here in the party house, it helped so much though. His favorite place was the rooftop, as well as the pool. He often finds Espresso at the rooftop looking down through the people, it makes him so happy seeing him like that. Although, they never talk about normal stuff together which made Madeleine a bit of ungrateful. They usually fight in an intense way, not punching or something like that, they have arguments. Madeleine was a bit annoyed at Espresso if he proves Madeleine wrong or humiliate him infront of people, but he still likes him for some reason.

It started raining not so long after and Madeleine got annoyed for a bit. He covered his cigarette which is about to run out. His hair got soaked in the rain and he didnt care, the only thing he cared about right now is finishing his 6th cigarette. After a while, Madeleine started to like the rain. He finished his cigarette but refuses to go back to his room.

Its turning dark, Madeleine lost track of time and didnt realise. He only realise it was dark when he heard the music downstairs to the pool. Madeleine was lucky there was no meeting this day, he could do whatever he want to do to please himself.

He sighed and took his box of cigarettes which was resting on the walls of the rooftop. He jumped off his seat which is the edge of the rooftop and put his box of cigarettes on his pocket. He walked through the exit of the rooftop and went directly to his room. As he opened the door, he quickly took off his clothes and went to the bathroom to take a quick hot shower. After that, he layed down his bed, his hair is still wet and he was only dressed shorts. He was laying on his bed flatly, his arms freely spreading and looking at the ceiling doing nothing. He couldnt get Espresso off his head and also he missed the feeling of his cock into Espresso's walls. He licked the corner of his lips because of that thought. He kept thinking of what had happend last night between him and Espresso, he was thirsty of him. He felt something hard on his pants and he knew exactly what it was, he chuckled for a bit and sat up. He pulled down his shorts leaving his boxers. He slid down his hand onto his boxers and put his hands on his cock and started stroking it on a normal speed, he moans slightly. Second to second he didnt get enough so he started to think of Espresso in lewd costumes, he smirked and his strokings became faster and faster. He stopped for a moment trying to catch some breath. After a few seconds, he started to stroke again. It was fast as if he wasn't contended at this, he want Espresso. Espresso and not anything. His limit wasnt coming so fast and his dick is rock hard. He didnt give up though, he kept thinking of Espresso. This time, not lewd stuff. Normal Espresso, smiling Espresso and cute stuff. He was a panting mess, he felt his limit coming after many many minutes. He shoot out his liquid and the sheets were messed up. He stood up and his dick was still visible, he removed the sheets and dropped them on the floor. He went into the bathroom and cleaned a bit, he removed both of his shorts and brief to replace them for a new and clean one. He went back to his bed and layed down, he closed his eyes going to sleep.

He didnt do almost anything this day, and he isn't guilty not sorry about it. He just want Espresso to like him, and be with him, even if he dont know if its ever possible.


Word count (including this outro): 1621

ꨄ︎: 𝘍𝘰𝘳 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘖𝘯𝘭𝘺 , 𝘌𝘴𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘦 ; 𝘊𝘙𝘒 ✅Where stories live. Discover now