[DATA LOST] and The Doctor.

18 3 10

I feel dead, lol.

Also, sorry about my inactivity, I've been very very busy-

Now, Enjoy this rushed mess. It's terribly written.


Italics = Thought.

Bold = Writing

Bold + Italics = 84tjsgr8eorh;goahdga

Normal = If someone is using: "Normal speech". If just the narration: Me.


Last time:

The Doctor: "I- Do you want me to get the holy water again? I can and will use it if you do not stop your nonsense. You have already eaten 3 of my patients today alone."

And with that said, Copycat sprinted off into the distance, screeching in betrayal. Probably off to bother some other poor soul, and they eat that soul.

The Doctor: "Well then, what do you say we go somewhere quieter to talk? After all, I would rather not have my patient put in more danger when they have only just healed?"


And so [DATA LOST] decided to go along with it and followed the plague doctor who 100% wasn't suspicious as fuck to her office at the end of the hall. They watched warily as The Doctor sat down at her desk, standing there very awkwardly indeed.

The Doctor stared at them for a moment.

The Doctor: "You can sit down, you know?" 

She gestures to the seat on the other side of the desk, and [DATA LOST] quickly moves to sit down, not wanting to seem like an idiot. [Which they most definitely are.] The Doctor's precise and well-thought-out movements and way of talking put them on edge.

The Doctor clears her throat before turning to a small pile of papers in a file on their desk, skimming through them to remind herself of the information before placing them down on the desk again and turning back to [DATA LOST], propping her head on her arms as she leans forward on her chair, narrowing her eyes as she studied the weird moth humanoid thing known to us as [DATA LOST].

The Doctor: "Who are you, what are you and why the [REDACTED] are you here? I have never seen you around this place before."

[DATA LOST] just stared up at her with their big ol' eye, [DATA LOST] is like the living version of the phrase 'No thoughts, head empty.'

[DATA LOST]: "Who the [REDACTED] is this weird bird woman, and does she have random candy like the other doctors I've seen give out to their patient cus if so I will steal it."

They rummage through their pockets for a moment before once again winning the fight with their pocket for some form of writing utensil. [Talk about weak, this fucker can't even get a pen out of their damn pocket without injuring themselves.] They then grabbed a piece of paper from the doctor's desk before writing down their response.

[DATA LOST]: "I am someone. I am something. And I somehow got somewhere. Now, onto the important stuff: Do. You. Have. Candy?"

The doctor looked surprised and mildly annoyed, like the generic WTF face, or at least as much like that as she could look as she was wearing a plague doctor's mask. [DATA LOST] took this time to look around the office properly. But I'm not going to explain all that because it's just an office, nothing special, what a waste of server storage and my time, like, what if I wanted to be doing more important things with my life right now, what If I wanted to go outside for a bit and inhale the lovely fresh air of the countrys- kjjakf3w8ro3w8twesg89377r98wghowg;rslhrt- 

The Doctor: "...Well, I suppose I do have some candy somewhere...But that's not the point! I need to know who you are and why you are here, so instead of giving me strange and unreasonable answers would you be so kind as to actually tell me the truth. I am quite busy and do need to get some of my work done, so soon would be appreciated."

[DATA LOST] then thought for a moment before writing down their reply, taking their time indeed. Can't you just hurry the hell up, Protagonist, we haven't got all day.

[DATA LOST] Finally finished their response, thank H I M.


And with that written they threw an Uno Reverse card from the hit game Uno at The Doctor and ran out the door, sprinting through the hallways as fast as their weak nerd legs could go- Wait just a second, hold on hold on, [DATA LOST], how did you get that Uno Reverse card? I'm sure I never gave you that, did I?

[DATA LOST] didn't respond, they were ignoring me, running through the halls still, I don't think they can hear me, Oh well, let's just forget about it.

As they were running they suddenly heard an alarm going off around them, red light flashing through the- Wait no, red light is used waaayyyy to often, how aboouutttt...Blue? Yes. Ahem, blue light flashing through the building as they sped up, looking for anywhere to hide or at least rest, finally finding a broom closet. 

Finally, [DATA LOST] could relax...

...Or could they?


To be continued...


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2023 ⏰

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