Act 2|| 6

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Marina sang the lyrics out loudly jumping up and down on the couch in the living room. Her sister Amélia held the remote to her mouth, yelling out the lyrics into it.

The dynamic duo was reunited, their first mission was to destroy the living room they were currently in. Amélia had missed how she and her sister could party together. No night passed without them having any way possible.

"colocar a próxima música(put the next song on)," Marina exclaimed out of breath, stepping down from the couch. Her sister waved with the remote before going through the playlist on her phone.

"Essa é boa(this is a good one)!" her sister spoke out, letting her know to get ready for the next song. Marina frowned trying to make out what song was playing. The lyrics erupted through the living room, then she finally realized what it was. Esquema Louco by MC Gury was playing, one of Marinas' absolute favorite movies.

The beat dropped, and Marina ran forward to her sister before both started dancing. They dropped their hips to the beat, letting the music take over.

"Ei, tavaris tá ficando incommoded. Abaixe o volume(Tavaris is getting bothered. Turn it down)." Amélia turned the music down, plopping down onto the couch next to where her mother had now settled down.

When Marina moved away from home and her family into a bigger estate there was no overthinking it. Tavaris had to be there. He was Marinas' child. She almost always thought about him. When she would talk on the phone to her mother, he was the first thing she always asked about.

The once little kitten had grown old now. Almost a decade it had been since she had gotten the little ray of sunshine as a present. It was the most meaningful and connected living creature she knew. There was nothing that could take the place he had in her heart.

Marina loved quickly and easily. Once she had made space for you in her heart it was all taken by whom it belonged to.

She let her hand travel over Tavaris's furry back. Her eyes widened as she saw who just rang her phone. Marina jumped up, holding her finger to her mouth, shushing her Mother and sister.

📞...Incoming Call from Kyky

"Bonjour," Marina smiled slightly holding the phone close to her ear. Amelia looked from her sister towards her mother who just shrugged at her daughters' weird behavior.

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