1 - The secret agent

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Skylar's POV
As i was walking threw the halls of Police Department, i thought back to the meeting i just had. Apparently i got a case to go undercover as a highschool student so i can be closer to the mafia's son, which would lead me to information about his dad who is this big mafia boss.


"Officer Mcqueen, you will be assigned an undercover case. Our goal is to catch one of the main mafia bosses around here, called Giovanni Arcelo. He's dealing with drugs overseas, recently we got information that it's not just that but also weapons, there's probably more that we don't know but that's where you come in." The captain said to me, i stood there shocked of what i have just heard.

"I am honored to get such a case but how exactly will i be undercover, i can't go as his driver for example. That is just too obvious!" I immediately complained.

"Don't worry, we planed everything, so nothing should go wrong. Since you're the youngest in our force, you will go undercover as a highschool student, good thing is that you could get closer to his son and he shouldn't think much of it."

"Sir, I'm flattered, but I don't think i look that young." I said to him confused, unsure how that would go.

"This is your task, if we told you that everything would go as planed and nothing will go wrong. How dare you question us? It's negotiable." he said to me offended. I realized i shouldn't have spoken my mind so freely. I shut my mouth and nodded. "I'm terribly sorry sir, i was wrong. Give me every detail about them so i can get ready." I said to him back quickly.

"Good, now here's the file. Learn everything you read in here. You start tomorrow morning. Just so happened that someone was selling the house next to him and so we bought it to secure your stay there. You will also have a cover up story of why you moved there." He said cheerfully a bit and left me a file on the table before going outside the room.

I sighed, took the file and gone out too.


Lost in thoughts, I couldn't stop thinking of how wrong this could go. As soon as i got home, i went to shower to relax a little before going to read the files.

Opening a file, first i saw his picture. Man, did he look fine af. He may be a mafia boss, but how can a man look this fine?
This guy has probably tons of women just lining up and wanting to be fucked by him.

I think I'm very biased now. But who wouldn't? We never know what is going on in mafia's life.

All i know is that, if i do something wrong, i know he can kill me without a second thought. He would probably carry his gun around all the time and be ready to shoot someone.

After going threw basic information about him, i needed to go threw mine too, where is my fake information about me.

After i finished going threw both files, I went through mafia's son, just so I could see how should I connect him with him in school.

Completely being done, I decided to go pack my clothes and get ready to sleep.

Tomorrow is a big day.


I pulled in front of the house i would be living for now, depending on how long the mission is supposed to last. I'm hoping not for long but of course it won't be that easy.

I got off the car and took only 2 bags i had with me.
The rest of my stuff will be delivered.

I took the keys out my pocket and opened the doors to the house.
I dragged my suitcase behind me in one hand and in the other, i held a big sport/gym like bag with the rest of my stuff that couldn't fit into the suitcase.

The house looked spacious and very simple.
I left the bags upstairs, in my room and quickly unpacked.

After i was done, i felt tired and decided i need a warm refreshing shower, so i did just that.

I got out of the shower and wrapped my lower part with a towel.
And just then i heard a doorbell.

I went to my security cameras in my bedroom i got secretly installed, i saw a boy around 20 years, waiting outside.
I thrown on some pants quickly before coming to open the door.
I quickly got down and opened the door.
The kid blushed at me probably because I was half naked and my hair was still wet. It was obvious I just got out of the shower.

"Er..hi, who are you?" I asked.

"Your neighbour, I live right on the opposite side of you. Anyway saw you moving in so i wanted to introduce myself. I'm Mateo Arcelo, nice to meet you neighbour." He says oddly cheerfully.

I shook his hand. "I'm Antonio Cordero, pleasure to meet you too. I guess we'll be seeing a lot of each other." I say.

Hey guys. Welcome to my new book.
I know the first chp it's short but we're only just starting.
In next chp will meet our mafia boss.
That's it for now.
Bug out😜💖

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