Seven - Elliot Water Bottle - Some More Chatting

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Elliot decided to leave the group chat and play some of the Amoong Us to see what Willow meant

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Elliot decided to leave the group chat and play some of the Amoong Us to see what Willow meant.

Elliot muted Messages and then started to play Amoong Us.


(for the people who can't see the picture) (italic means chat unless if it says otherwise, and if text if on the right side that means it's Elliot's text):

9:02 AM



A new thing came to our place and then started bullying us! They called me Wilter instead of Willow :((((((((((((

Elliot had been reading a little bit on Libby when they had gotten the message. They only had to read the first word to know it was "Courier New" and size 13, which meant it was Willow the TV in some other place.

After Elliot sorta quickly read Willow's message, a new message quickly popped up as if on cue.



so many weird things are happenin' today!

Wait is it true?A new bully? Great...Hopefully none of us really have to fase them


"😰" (nervous with sweat emoji) except without the mouth was the face that Elliot thought of. They weren't sure about how they would deal with a bully. But at least Elliot didn't have to actually face them and actually look at the bully.


I feel sorry for you guys.

It must be tough to actually be right next to the bully.

Beda: What's their name, by the way?

Rory: Their name is Aqua.

Li-Purp: That sounds like a nice name

Yeah it does ._.


I agree but they're mean :(((((((((

I know nobody asked but their font is Economica and size 14

Aqua:Yes. That is correct


Elliot agreed with Knine (the "Iceberg" size 13 font thing that was near Elliot now! Knine actually had given Elliot a confused look and Elliot had just shrugged in response).

Who the HECK invited THE BULLY, AQUA? Elliot thought. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY????????


Wat do ya mean

I'm not a bad person :(

Knine: But other things that I trust said that you were a bully...


Well then they are incorrect and UNtrustworthy

I'm nice!


You called me Wilter

Honestly this feels like Amoong Us

HKWB: wut


You know

The game with imposters

Where the imposters keep lying that they're good

I feel like Aqua is like the imposter

Aqua: It seems like YOU are da "imposter" Willow



I'm telling the TRUTH!

Knine: Yeah Willow is a trustworthy thing in my opinion...

Why are we talking about Amoong Us and imposters again?

Anemone: idk at this point

Elliot decided to leave the group chat and play some of the Amoong Us to see what Willow meant.

Elliot muted Messages and then started to play Amoong Us.

a/n yeah this story is really supposed to have many fonts doing this was a pain

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