Eight - Aqua Water Bottle - The Continuing Debate

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Great, Aqua thought. That stupid Wilter just HAD to tell everything I'm a bully. Now I basically have no chances.

Everything was talking like crazy in the group chat. About Aqua.

About if Aqua was a bully or not.

If Aqua had to agree with Wilter on one thing, it had to be this: it did feel like Amoong Us right now. It felt like Aqua was the imposter and Wilter was the crewmate. It felt like Aqua was accusing Wilter for being the imposter.

But of course, Aqua would never actually text that.

Aqua still felt proud of themself, though.

Why? Because of the way Aqua got into the group chat.

Wanna know how Aqua got into the group chat? It wasn't because something accidentally invited them (though that would've made everything 2,000,000 times easier), but it was because Aqua had hacked.

Okay, before you ask a million questions, Aqua didn't know Python or JavaScript or HTML or CSS or C++ or any other coding language. What Aqua had actually done was search on the very scientific Elgoog place for "hacks for Messages," and then Aqua found the perfect website for them to use to hack in Messages and join the group chat. (So I guess the very scientific Elgoog place is not a very scientific place. Like our Google is not very scientific at times either).

But now, Aqua had a hunch of what "Lfdas" actually meant.

Lfdas might mean to go to a different group chat without this thing, Aqua had thought earlier when Aqua had just joined the group chat. Huh. The things in the normal group chat must hate me if that is what it actually means. Which is a good thing, if I want to be "the bully."

The image says (same rules as before, basically the right side is the POV thing's text):

Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image.

The image says (same rules as before, basically the right side is the POV thing's text):


Please beleive me guys! I'm not lying or anything!


But what if you ARE lying?

You literally misspelled something and I'm not misspelling ANYTHING

That might mean that you are NERVOUS





I'm one of the books next to Willow and I have known Willow for YEARS!

My name is Laura by the way.

And Aqua WAS bullying.

Anemone: But who can we trust? Should we do a vote or something, sorta like in Amoong Us?


Ok I guess

So, I haven't mentioned this earlier, but you can start votes in the thing version of Messages. But you can only start a vote in Messages once a year.

So, when Aqua realized this, they had typed:

Who will start the vote?

Then, just a few seconds after Aqua pressed "send," they saw a message in "Inconsolata" and size 12. That meant that it was from the bot.

The bot sort of had a special kind of message. It was sort of centered in the chat so that it would stand out. Also, the bot could use bold, underline and italics in their message, which made it so that no thing could have the font "Inconsolata" at size 12 (except for the bot, but that's sorta obvious).

a/n this following isn't italic for effect but YES this is texted:

@Anemone_Table (font COOKIE, size 16) has started a vote. You have the following choices:

Aqua is the liar   Willow is the liar    idk if I have tbh

The following thing(s) can NOT vote:

Aqua Water Bottle

Willow Television

Please note that the votes will be anonymous.

You will have 10 minutes to vote. If everything that is allowed to vote votes before the given time, then the vote will automatically end.


(continuing on with the story)

Now, the only thing that Aqua could do was hope.

Hope that they would win.

While Aqua was waiting, Aqua decided to go on the app "The Drawing App" and draw something.

(Aqua ended up drawing potatoes. The way they drew potatoes was with a circle and a ._. face in the circle.)

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