Chapter 3 || 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔻𝕒𝕣𝕜 𝕊𝕜𝕚𝕖𝕤

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Emuri was running after Fio, running out of breath. She cannot keep up for long.

"Breathes can we stop running?! I'm starting to run out of breath here!" Emuri quickly replied. Fio looked back at Emuri while running "We're almost there! Just a few more minutes of running and we'll arrive!" As he kept running while looking back, he crashed into a tree that was approaching in front. He fell down to the ground on his back "Ouch!.."

Emuri stopped running and goes to Fio "Are you okay?!" Fio respond "Yes I'm alright.. I'm just clumsy." he giggled. "Watch where you going next time you idiot." Emuri replied. Emuri helped Fio get up from the ground. Fio brush off the dirt that got onto his clothes. "Let's walk for now. I was literally running out a breath from somewhat like a 15 - 20 minute run." Emuri replied. "Fine fine m'lady." Fio replied back.

They continued walking on the path together. They seem to enjoy each other. "Can I ask you a question?" Emuri replied. "Sure, you are free to ask me anything." Fio replied. Emuri looked at Fio. "Can you tell me more about.. What's that lord's name?-"

"Masque. Or call him either Black Lord or Anguished Lord." Fio replied. Emuri was confused as he mentioned about Black Lord. But she didn't hesitate to ask about who Black Lord is. "Oh yea Masque. Can you tell me more about him?"

"Sure, hope he doesn't mind me giving information about him to you." he sighed  "Centuries ago, he lived with the 3 Lords. The 3 lords are named: White Lord, Yellow Lord, and Red Lord. Masque was the Black Lord. The 4 lords were the advisors to the King. They have a mask that represents something." Fio was ready to give the information that he could know. Emuri listened.

"White Lord, the Diligent mask. The mask represents care and hard working. She is most respected and helpful. Yellow Lord, the Odious mask. Representing selfishness and unpleasant, he is rude to visitors. But I'd rather stay away from him, even if you think that you can handle him well. Red Lord, the Mirthful Mask. He represents being cheerful and euphoric. He is always happy around visitors. But he can be annoying sometimes to me." he giggled.

Lastly, Anguish mask. It represents the pain and suffering. He can be a bit rude often. But he can sense the despair. Masque is the Anguish mask. No wonder.. He is always in his comedy mood as it was supposed to be tragedy."

"Hmm.. Interesting." Emuri replied.

They continued on walking. They talked for a while. But a few moments later, the skies was starting to get foggy. Emuri and Fio slowly walked as it started to get more foggy.

"Ugh the fog!" Emuri shouted. "It'll be alright. Just walk carefully and stay beside of me. Do not get separated from me." Fio replied. Emuri stayed close to Fio. They keep walking slowly on the path. Emuri wasn't sure if we're almost there. Fio was confident of going through the fog as he experienced it, he started to hold on to Emuri's hand just for her to not get lost.

Emuri looked forward and kept walking. She can feel her hair being blown by the misty wind. She looked around and around until she noticed the sky is a different color now. It is a grayish color instead of somewhat a dark yellow color. She sees the white clouds up in the air. She started to see the black buildings from far away as the clouds blocked her view.

"I think were almost there.." Emuri replied. "I can see the buildings up ahead!"

"That's good." Fio replied "Just a few more steps and we can get through this together." Emuri smiled. She looked at the sky for a while as it is an interesting view. Fio was determined to get through this. It was starting to get cold as the wind starts to blow.

"The sky looks dark and grayish." Emuri responded. "I know. Like it?" Fio replied. Emuri was still looking at the sky. "Yes I do like it. It's been a while since I haven't been outside." Emuri replied. They continued walking.

A few minutes later, they finally got to the entrance door as they got through the fog together. "Alright were here!" Fio replied. "What a big building here.." Emuri responded. Fio opened the door for Emuri. "Ladies first." he replied and bowed at her. Emuri walked in and Fio followed in from behind and closes the door.

"So you say that you want to speak to the Anguished Lord right?" Gio replied. "Yes I do." Emuri replied with confident. "You know that you cannot speak to him because you are wearing the color orange in this building. Let me lead you to the girl's changer room." Fio dragged Emuri to the girl's changer room.

"I can walk you know!-" Emuri shouted. But still getting dragged.

As a few moments later of running, Fio got Emuri to the girl's changer room and dragged her inside. "Go change your clothes. I'll be waiting for you out here just in case." Fio closed the door.

"Couldn't I just speak to him with my D-Class clothes on already- Ugh nevermind.. Emuri thought. She get's her clothes changed. 15 minutes later, Emuri came out with her clothes changed that are the color of Red, Yellow, White, and Black. Fio noticed Emuri. "What a good clothing to wear." Fio replied and smiled.

"Thank you" Emuri replied. Now, can I now talk to the Anguished Lord? And can you lead me to him if you know where he is at?"

"Sure, follow me." Fio walked off and Emuri followed. Fio lead Emuri to the throne room where the Angished Lord is at. The Anguished Lord seems to be talking to someone. "Here he is, in the throne room" Fio replied. "Have fun with the conversation, I'll be at the balcony if needed." Fio walked off.

Emuri walked in into the Throne room. Her hands are put together infront. She looked at the Anguished Lord speaking to the person.

"Ah okay, thanks for the advise Lord." The person speak with Anguished Lord. "No problem." Anguished Lord replied. The random person walk pass by Emuri and exited the Throne room. "Uhh.. Hello." Emuri replied. The Anguished Lord looked at Emuri, noticing her. "Oh hello there Ms. What is your name if I may ask?"

Emuri replied with self confidence. "My name is Emuri Boyle. I came here to speak to you." The Anguished Lord was interested. "Ah alright, may I ask. Are you married or anything?" Emuri responded to the question. "No I'm not married."

"Alright Ms. Boyle. Are you new here?" The Anguished Lord responded. Emuri nodded her head "Yes I'm new here." The Anguished Lord is ready to introduce himself. "Ahem. Greetings! My name is Black Lord. You can call me "Masque" or the "Anguished Lord". I am one of the advisors for the King. I'm known as The Court Jester!" He replied with a happy comedic mask. "Now, let's get this conversation started!"

Emuri was confident and be ready to question the Lord.

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