Becoming the Shards

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After retrieving the amulet, the party returned to the Baron's keep, giving the Baron the amulet.

One intriguing item the party found during the raid on the caves of Xnath the goblin was a map of a mountain that some of the dwarves of the group, a combination of Flint's knowledge of clan history and Corium's knowledge of the world and survival skills in the wilderness, recalled that this mountain was called The Stone Tooth. The rumours surrounding The Stone Tooth included tales of wondrous weapons created by a master smith whose name has been forgotten to the ages.

They showed the map to the Baroness, who then suggested they talk to the old scribe, Skarab, who they could find in the library in the east wing.

They went to talk to Skarab and showed him the map. Skarab immediately recognised the image and then went hunting through the stacks of shelves, boxes, scrolls, and books. Eventually, he brought out a large, dusty tome and put it onto a table. The old man flipped a few pages before finding a similarly looking map.

Skarab then told the party all about Blasingdell, an old, mining town that was a few leagues south of the keep. The town was built around a mine owned by a famed dwarvish Smith. This Smith created weapons and armour that was sought after for many years from many barons and kings from all around.

The Amulet of Shinkara was likely also made there.

They asked the old scribe how they may get to Blasingdell, and he said there was a postal carrier going soon from the local town of Winterham. They could likely book passage that way, maybe even gain employment as bodyguards to the post master.

The party then returned to the room where the baron's daughter was being treated. A fanciful cleric was performing a ritual whilst holding the amulet above the girl's head. He repeated the chant a few times, each time the light inside the amulet grew brighter.

The light grew so bright that it was eventually too bright to look at, and many had to shield their eyes.

Then the amulet exploded, sending shards of the amulet in all directions. The shards impacted everyone and everything in the area.

As the party looked at each of their wounds caused by the amulet, they saw the splinters be absorbed into their skin. They each felt no ill effects, but now each somehow knew a little more about providing medical assistance.

The Lady Alana's room was now a glittering cave of green glass, all from the shattered amulet.

The Baron, after learning they were likely to go to Blasingdell, asked if his man at arms, Njal (pronounced as 'Nigel') Ulfson, could join with them. The party agreed, and Njal introduced himself. Njal is a half orc that the Baron had so far been unable to find a suitable place for in his household militia.

The following morning, the party approached the post master Elyas Karles. He offered them a job of 50 Silver Pieces a day each for escorting him and the postal carriage to Blasingdell safely. He believes it is usually a seven day trip, but with an armed escort, he could take the faster, more dangerous route. Corium negotiated that they'd still get party for seven days even if they managed to get there sooner.

The trip would begin in two days, giving the party time to stock up on supplies.

On the day off the trip, the party ate breakfast at the local inn and then met Elyas at the village hall. Elyas had a strange looking carriage being pulled by four horses. The carriage had a split design of a wooden front section enough to fit four or five people, with room on top for more. There was also a covered seat up front for controlling the horses. The back was a canvas covered flat-bed where the post master had put all the parcels and post they were transporting.

They travelled all morning and into the middle of the afternoon when the post master said it was time for him to eat. So they set up a campfire and let the horses go and graze.

Flint and Corium went for a scout around to ensure there were no signs of trouble. When they returned, Elyas was cooking a hare on a spit he'd set up over the fire.

While the food was cooking, they heard the croaking of what turned out to be three very large, giant frogs. These frogs were about the size of a small pony and had clearly been drawn to the camp by the smell of cooking meat.

The frogs were able to jump at least twenty feet in a single bound, and they were the first to attack. Unfortunately for the first of them, the armour and agility of the dwarves were too much for them.

Flint was able to hit the one that had jumped up to him. It was surprisingly tough, but Flint was able to create a significant wound on the frog.

The other two frogs were a little more successful with their attacks than their companion. One was able to bite Farin, and the other was able to bite Njal.

Corium used his longbow to kill the one that Flint had previously injured, and then also used a spell called Hunter's Mark to mark his next opponent.

Njal used his handaxe to strike at the frog that had bitten him. The strike was a success, and that caused the frog to loosen its grip on him.

Violet fitted her Magic Missile at the frog attacking Njal, dealing it a fatal blow as the three darts of magical force struck unerringly at the chest of the frog.

Farin then slammed his glaive into the frog in front of him. It was a hammer blow to the head of the frog, killing it outright.

They then crashed the three from corpses over to the campfire and cooked them to take as extra rations for the remaining trip.

Over the next couple of days, they managed to travel unhindered. Rising early for breakfast, travelling until mid-afternoon to have a meal then taking rest for the evening. On the fourth day, they arrived at a small gallery that Elyas said they were to stop at for deliveries and collections. He told the party to explore the town as best they could, but there was nothing much to see.

The only tavern in town also served as the general store and barbers. You could get a pint while someone gave you a haircut.

Pints were cheap and tasted foul. Three of the group spat out their first mouthfuls. Farin kept drinking. His philosophy was one of, 'It's wet and quenching my thirst'. So he kept drinking. Njal decided he didn't want to partake and so looked after the horses instead.

When Elyas returned, he was in a foul mood and didn't want to talk much. He just wanted to get back on the road.

They travelled for a couple more days, repeating the pattern of before. On the night of the fifth day of travelling, Elyas pushed on into the early hours. He said they weren't far from Blasingdell, and he 'just wanted to get off the road now'.

In the early hours of the sixth day, before the sun had risen, they saw the walled town of Blasingdell. Above the gate that the carriage approached was a cheery welcome sign carved in an arch above the opening.

Elyas pulled the carriage into the gate courtyard and stopped. He paid the money promised and a bonus of 10 gold, totalling 45 gold pieces each. He then said that the options for rooms in town were either The Glamorous Potato or the Grey Caterpillar. With directions to the Glamorous Potato, the party set off.

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