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(In Leslie's Diary)

June 7, 2014

Hello Diary,

Today I watched the blind auditions of The Voice Kids PH. It was good though. But OMG, I THINK I WILL BE STARTING ON FANGIRLING IN NO TIME! Hihihihi.

There was this guy named Juan Karlos and he is so charming. I love his voice too! He's so inspiring too coz her mom died and it is just so sad. But the heck, he's version of Grow Old With you is PER-FECT! I leeeeeerrrrrvvvvv it!!!! Hahaha.

Ok now I'm gettin' a bit lazy. Ok diary. Thats all for now. Ba-bye!


June 8 2014

Dearest Diary,

Today we went to church. And now, I just realized, tomorrow is the first day of school! -.- well, no worries. I'm homeschooling anyways. lol. Coz, you know, I can't go to school, coz, my feet, are... nevermind.

K, bye.

June 9 2014

Heyya Diary,

Ok, today is the start of my homeschooling. And I met my teacher Melanie. And she's kind and pretty, not prettier than me though! Hahahahahaha. Lol. But all I can say is, I can't wait to see Juan Karlos again on TV! Yaaaay. Ok. I am off to my assignment now. I better keep rollin now.

Lesleeeeeeyyyyyy! xD

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