An Unexpected Foe(Acirema)

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It was a strange day.

Shadow was sick, and he couldn't believe it.

But he also managed to convince Scylla about becoming his receptionist.

Shadow was at his desk, like always.

He was unsure of what to do, but then he realized.

He was sick.

That was obvious of course, but that meant that he was going to die one way or another.

He had to secure someone to be his... heir.

Or at least, someone to rule over his lands once he died.

He felt that Scylla might the perfect candidate.

But there was also Pokemon, who might fit in.

No, Pokemon already had his own land, he didn't need to rule over the place.

Scylla, Scylla would become the next overseer.

Which reminded him, the elections.

The elections had been hosted all of this time, however due to his health and other issues, he was distracted.

He pressed the button and asked Scylla.

"Check who won the elections."

Scylla took a while to respond, but then said:

"Melting has won, he is the new Mayor, the other candidate was Chewy"

He unpressed the button, and just... sat there.

Melting had won, very nice...

Wait, what if Melting became a candidate for new overseer.

It would actually legitimize his rule as Mayor rather than be a puppet.

Yes, so in that case, it was Scylla and Melting.

Maybe he should add Chewy as a possible candidates

No, he wasn't the nicest of people.

Shadow decided to grab a piece of paper and write:

"If I were to die, I want Scylla to become the new ruler, if she, however, doesn't want to, make Melting the new ruler"

He then let go of the pen, and just sat there.

When he looked out of the window, he realized it was night, so he began heading for his bed.

Shadow got in the bed, undid it, and put his head on the pillow.

He was about to go to sleep, when suddenly, he heard a noice.

It was like a whisper, but Shadow couldn't understand it.

Shadow got nervous.

He was about to get out of his bed, when he saw it.

It was... something.

A shadow, of sorts.

He stared at it.

And suddenly, the shadow became a thing.


"Hello Shadow, long time no see..." said Tim.

"B-But, I thought I killed you!" Said Shadow.

"Hehehe... you thought?"

"Yes, I made sure you died!"

"Shadow, you kil- or should I say, tried to kill me, because I was the leader of the void." Said Tim

"I repeat... LEADER of the void" explained Tim.

"I don't understand, i saw you die!" Said Shadow.

"You see, when you left with your guards, my 'body' transformed into a void sludge of sorts, and I fled thru the drain pipes."  Explained Tim.

"Now, I still live."

Tim let out a evil cackle.

"Oh, and that reminds me, that illness of yours?



Shadow didn't know how to feel.

And Tim said the truth, Shadow began to feel worse than before.

He started coughing more violently and even began bleeding from his mouth.

The bedsheets were getting red with Shadow's blood.

Tim stared at Shadow, with no mercy.

Shadow tried to scream, but it only got worse.

And then, his body just stopped working.

He couldn't breathe.

He tried to, but it was not possible.

Tim watched as Shadow's life poured out of him, and as the light of his eyes began darkening.

"Shhhhshhhshh... go to sleep now..." said Tim.

And Shadow went to sleep.


Tim let out one more cackle, before vanishing into thing air.
An officer got curious, and opened the door to Shadow's room.

He was appalled by the body of Shadow.

He immediately rushed to meet the other offices, and said:

"Shadow's dead!"

The other officers rushed, and got into the room, and turned on the lights.

Shadow was indeed dead.


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