chapter 5

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Sunday, 20th March 2022


Adrianas POV

"What happend to your finger?" Jak asked as he saw me and Ollie enter the Prema garage after telling everyone we were going to get breakfast.

"WAIT WHAT? SERIOUSLY NOT AGAIN?!" I hear Paul screaming and coming over to look at my finger.

"What can I say, Bahrain doesn't want my finger to be healthy." I said with a laugh.

"That's not funny. You are so dumb sometimes. Does Angelina or Rene know?"

"OH NO NO NO! Are you crazy? Waking them up and saying 'Hey, I know you said I shouldn't do anything crazy when I'm in Bahrain, but I kinda fractured me pinky...AGAIN." I sarcasticly told Paul.

And right as I said that I saw Angelina and Rene coming out from the back and hide my finger behind one of the bags with breakfast in them that me and Ollie bought for the others.

"Who wants breakfast?" I said holding up the bags and looking at Paul with a look he is quiet familiar with. Don't say anything or else you will regret it.

"Why are you giving Paul THAT look again?" Angelina said looking at me after she looked at the bag Ollie had in his hands. "Don't tell me the Bahrain curse hit you again."

"Wait I thought the Bahrain curse only was for drivers?" Jak said and Ollie also looked absolutly confused.

"Not with Ria. She managed to get herself hurt every single time she was in Bahrain. First time she's ever been to Bahrain her and Mick Schumacher did some reflex exercises and as she caught the ball she fractured her pinky. The second time her, Robert, Arthur, Dennis, Olli and Oscar where playing football and somehow as she was holding Robert so he wouldn't get the ball before her she managed to fracture her pinky again." Rene told the group and some of them said they remember that and how funny it was.

"Well, it was the same pinky every single time." I said holding up my fractured pinky in the air and the enginers laughed.

"I can't believe this. Why didn't you tell us? And why did you go to the hospital without us?" Angelina came to me and looked at my wrapped pinky.

"I didn't wake you up because you both were probably asleep and you have enough stress already."

"How did you manage to do it again?" Paul asked and Ollie started laughing.

"Stop it. You potentially could have been the reason why it happend in first place." I said to Ollie and started laughing more. "Anyways, me and Ollie started having a pillow fight and yeah."

"Who did you go to the hospital with?"

"Ollie and Arthur. Arthur was a little bit too tired. So it was more me and Ollie with a stable mindset and a sleep drunk Arthur."


"Hiii Charles." I say as I see my second favourite Leclerc brother. You know, Lorenzo will always be my numero uno. "How is my second favourite Leclerc brother doing?"

"Hello Ria." He gave me a hug. "Good actually. Happy that Arthur got on the Podium this weekend."

"Yeah that's really great." I say setting the lighting and focus of the camera and staring to film.

"You broke your finger again?"

"Yeah got the Bahrain curse on me for sure."

"I won't have it. Look how I will win tomorrow and going to ace the rest of the season."

"Let's hope you don't get the curse." I say and film how Arthur drives to us.

He gets out of the car and hugs everyone.

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