chapter 6

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Friday, 22nd March


Ria's POV

I woke up at 7 am and got ready for school. It wasn't my alarm that woke me up. It was Ollie calling me to make sure I wake up and get to school in time.

"Good morning sleeping beauty! Look, we are at the track and it's raining." Ollie said and tried to show me the wet track.

"Oh, that not good...try to drive careful please." I said with a worried look on my face.

"Oh nothing will happen, trust me. Now get up and get dressed. You gonna be late to school."

"What should I wear tho?" I groaned as I stood up and and walked over to my closet and to get something. "Something that would match this."

I hold up Ollies jacket he gave me in Bahrain. Yes, I didn't win the bet but still stole it because it smelled like him.

"Ehmmm maybe like black jeans and a Ferrari T-Shirt, you know so we match."

"Ha ha, you are so funny. I am not a owner of a Ferrari merchandise product but I can offer you either RedBull or Alphatauri." I said ironically laughing and hold up the two team shirt.

"Wow. I really need to make you convert to Ferrari."


"We will see. But maybe wear like a white shirt or something and zip the jacket like half way up."

"Wow, Ollie the fashion coach" I moved out of the camera to change.

"No no no, it's Ollie the F3 champion and fashion coach." He said and I came back to the camera and showed my outfit. "Muy bellisimo"


"Okay either I hang up now or you are going to watch me ride my motocross for about five minutes?" I asked Ollie as I left me apartment and went outside to ride to school.

"Wait how? Do you have one more arm I didn't know of?"

"Sometimes your jokes aren't that funny Ollie" I said laughing a bit as I say Ollies face drop. "But there is a phone holder because sometimes I need navigation, so I need somewhere to put my phone in to see where I'm driving."

"How are you going to hear me?"

"The helmet has bluetooth. I think this is the first time I do not listen to music while I ride."

I place my phone in the holder and activate the helmet. After I connected to phone to the helmet I put on the helmet and got on the motocross.

"How can ,or let me say it differently, are you allowed to even drive this thing?" Ollie asked me halfway through the ride to the school.

"You can either drive a Vespa or a cross with the age of 16. Well obviously with a license. Oh hey Paul."


"I am looking at the road and it is a motocross, not a bike." I said passing the round about and turning into the school. "Look now I really need to hang up and you probably also have somethings to do sooo goodbye Ollie tell the boys I wished them good luck, mostly you, and love you." I said waving at the cam and ending the call.


"Ja, aber glaubst du nich- Warte kurz." *Yeah, but don't you think- Wait a second.* I argued with my friend when I saw my phone vibrating on the table.

„Hello Mister Oliver Bearman, how may I help you on this lovely evening where you should actually be sitting is the car and testing the car and the track?" I answer Ollies call and my friend looks at me and than Ollie.

„It got red flagged because there is too much heavy rain Miss Adriana Prinz" Ollie said showing me how wet the tracks are AGAIN.

„Are you alright tho? Saw you a bit struggling in the corners." I said and packed my stuff to go to the computer rooms for office managment.

"Yeah, I'm good. Non of the boys got injured or something."

"Thats always good to hear. But can you ask Angelina real quick if I am going to edit the Imola LAP or if she will do it, please?" I say as I slip on my shoes because the office management teacher doesn't say we can't wear shoes during lessons.

"ANGELINA...Ria wants to know if she needs to edit the Imola LAP or if you are going to do it?" He panned the camera to Angelina

"Hi Adriana my dear, no need to worry, I will cut the Imola LAP but I think you need to edit the Barcelona one. Still can't come right?" Angelina said and Ollie quickly turned the camera back to him.

"You're not coming to Barcelona?! How could you not tell me?" Ollie looked in disbelief

"Hey don't look at me like that. I told you that I maybe won't be able to come to Barcelona."

"No you said and I quote-"

"No because you can't even quote me because I didn't answer your question when you asked me!" I said with a evil laugh. "Okay, I really need to hang up tho because I see the teacher and I need to ace this exam or I'm fucked."

"Thats alright! Good luck! Hear and see you soon."

"Byee, good luck to you too, love you." And with that I hung up the phone and my friends just looked at me big disappointed looks.

"What? Don't look at me like that."

"Like what?" My friend said.

"Like you are the biggest simp in the world?" My other friend said.

"No like you are judging me"

"We are not judging you...well we are but we are also disappointed that you didn't tell us about your boyfriend, what was his name...O..Ol...Os...Oscar...Yeah Oscar!"

"No it's not Oscar, it's Ollie and he is not my boyfriend. But we are like...I think we are in our talking stage but like at the top talking stage. We've known each other for like 3 months now and he is a really great guy and I literally could talk hours about him and- the teacher is coming"

My friend looked at my other friend "Simp..."

Well I think my eyes are gonna close any second now. But Ollie found out shes not gonna be in Barcelona but there is Silverstone to go.

1080 words

teenage love - ollie bearmanWhere stories live. Discover now