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Warnings: Throw up, kissing, smut flash backs mentioned

It's been 2 weeks since me and Lo'ak hung out at the forbidden pond. When we came home the next day our family went ballistic. They thought we had died.

They told us that if we wanted to hang out alone, we have to tell them from now on which I think is total bullshit. We're basically adults now, I mean we're both 18. We shouldn't have to update them on our lives every 5 minutes.

Anyways, I woke up feeling like absolute shit this morning. It felt worse than a hang over. I had a huge headache.


I felt Lo'ak's grip around my waist get tighter.
"Mmm good morning beautiful."

Usually it was always a delight knowing he was laid beside me, hugging me, loving me. But I just wasn't feeling it this morning.

"Good morning." I said, shifting out of his grip.

"Nīya....what's wrong?" He asked worriedly.

I felt bad that I did that but him hugging me tightly made me feel claustrophobic.

"Nothing it's just I have a huge headache."

I also failed to mention that I didn't feel right like at all. I felt a little different.

"Oh I'm sorry, do you want to go get breakfast?"

I shrugged my shoulders, pinching the bridge of my nose. "Yeah yeah sure that's fine."

I sounded a little annoyed but that's just how I felt. He should understand. Waking up with a headache isn't fun. At all.

"Okay."He said sounded annoyed as well. He got up. I followed him.

I felt bad about how I woke up in a bad mood. I probably put him in a bad mood.

"Lo'ak." I went and grabbed his hand. "I'm sorry it's just I don't feel to great, I didn't mean to take it out on you." I put on a light smile.

He looked a little confused how my mood changed so fast. I noticed that too. Why am I acting so weird today? My mood swings are never this bad.

He then smiled back at me.

"It's okay I understand. I love you Nīya." He kissed the top of my head. As much as I wished it did, it didn't get rid of my headache.

We both began walking to the main hut. Our family was sitting at the tables in the middle as always.

We both walked over and sat down.

"Good morning." I said giving everyone a light smile.

"Good morning." They all said in unison.

"Nīya are you okay? You look a little pale?" Neytiri asked me.

"Yeah I just have a huge headache."

She nodded. I loved how she always checked up on me. She's like my actual mother. I started making my plate, grabbing all my favorites.

Lo'ak did the same.

I started eating my favorite berries. It was weird, they tasted a little off. I put it down trying the other berries.

I thought it was just because my berries could've been too old, but all the berries tasted like that.

I pushed my plate away. I lost my appetite all of a sudden. Just then I felt a burning feeling rising from my stomach to the back of my throat.

Oh no...

I got up, running to the back deck. I leaned over, throwing up whatever I just ate. I heard everyone behind me talking.

Oel Ngati Kameie |I see you| Lo'ak x readerWhere stories live. Discover now