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Warnings:Suicide mention, breastfeeding, making love mention

I woke up to be on my bed. It was so soft. I usually wake up feeling the best I've ever felt, but I just feel like shit.


My lower stomach was already hurting. I looked down to see my stomach still big. It wasn't as big but it was definitely still there.

I talked to Neytiri and she said her stomach didn't go down until maybe 3-4 weeks after birth, but my mother said hers didn't go down til 6 weeks, so mine can really just go down whenever.

What if it takes a year to go down? I mean I don't really care because my stomachs big because I gave birth to my son. I could care less what someone says about my stomach.

It still kinda made me insecure but oh well.

I looked outside. The sun had begun rising.

I then rolled over to see Nī'yek cradled in between me and Lo'ak, our bodies guarding him from falling off the bed.

He was sound asleep. He was such a cute sleeper, just like his dad.

I looked over at Lo'ak to still see him awake. "Good morning baby." He smiled tiredly.

"Ma Lo'ak, did you not go to sleep?" I tilted my head.

He yawned. I could tell he didn't get any sleep. He had really bad eyebags.

"He wouldn't stop crying so I let you sleep. He eventually stopped and fell asleep. I stayed up just in case he woke up." 

My heart melted from his words.

"Lo'ak you know you could've woke me up I would've watched him."

"Absolutely not. You just pushed a whole child out of you not even what, 8-9ish hours ago?"

I nodded. He wasn't wrong. I mean it felt nice to rest but now I feel bad that he didn't sleep at all.

"Well you've been up this entire time and didn't get any sleep." I told him.

"I would stay up 2 or more days just to make sure you're both safe and get enough sleep." He grabbed my chin, bringing me in for a kiss.

He didn't even give me time to react. I just smiled against his lips. I felt him smile back.

We soon pulled away when Nī'yek started crying.

I propped myself up, my back against the huts wall. Moving definitely hurt but I didn't care. I then grabbed him, rocking him.

"Sh sh sh, sh sh sh." I rocked him back and forth in my arms. He started falling back asleep.

He was so beautiful. I couldn't even be annoyed by his crying. It was the cutest cry I've ever heard.

I looked over at Lo'ak. He had the biggest smile on his face.

"What?" I asked him quietly.

He shook his head. "Nothing, I just love you." He whispered.

"Oh well I love you too." I smiled.

I laid Nī'yek back down in his original spot. Being a mom wasn't as bad as I thought. Even though my stomach hurts like a bitch, it's all worth it in the end.

As I laid him down I just stared at him. I really can't wrap my head around the fact that he came out of me. It's so crazy how the body works.

I stared at him, mesmerized by how much he looks like Lo'ak. I was thinking he would look like me because Neteyam is Neytiri's first son, and he looks like her.

Oel Ngati Kameie |I see you| Lo'ak x readerWhere stories live. Discover now